Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So Much To Do!

School is out!  Friday  was our last day.  As much as I look forward to time for  things I want to do and need to do, saying that final goodbye to my children and their parents is always bittersweet. 

With that is out for the summer!

I could not wait to pack my bags and head out to visit  my daughter and son-in-law.  Roger and I aways have the best time with them.

Our first morning Roger wanted to have breakfast at Osage which meant we had the chance to roam around the adjoining nursery.

I found a lot of wonderful things, including this sweet baby.

It is named "Lemon Daddy".  And yes it did come home with me.  If I can believe the attached tag, it will look like this when it blooms.


I've already picked out the spot to plant it.  Oh, and in case you are worried I brought him home alone.  You needn't be concerned, I found several other plants to keep this happy fellow company on the trip back.
This is a beautiful time to be in St. Louis.  All the yards and gardens are at their peak.  I had hoped to revisit the botanical gardens, but that will have to wait for another time.    I did get the chance to roam a few of the streets looking at doors and taking pictures.

I think I worried my daughter a little bit.  She might have been afraid someone would come out and say something.  I think I might have felt the same way when I was her age.  Now I am my age and I wasn't concerned.

The real treat of the weekend was just being able to spend time with my children.  They make my heart happy.

 * * * 

Memorial Day weekend is the time I usually finish the cleaning-up and planting in the beds.  The frenzy is over.  I am ready to put down the mulch, sit down in a chair and enjoy a cool beverage.  Not this year!

The weeks of unending storms and rain put us behind.  There is still a lot to be done.  When we returned last evening I found wonderful things blooming.

I love this picture of the hydrangea with the daylilies thriving all around.

Along with all the blooms bursting out, the weeds grew with a vengeance.  This morning I spent a couple of hours pulling weeds, and trimming a few things overgrowing their alloted space.  

There is always something to do in the garden. 


  1. wonderful post...i am the same way, my camera is permanety attached to my hand, i photograph everything, while the hubs is always hiding!!!

    your daylilies and hydrangeas are beautiful, mine are not blooming yet, but have tons of buds and are very close.

    so happy you had a wonderful visit!!!

  2. Such a lovely post! Your flowers must have loved all the rain...they are beautiful. Isn't it fun to go away and see what surprises await you in the garden.

    Saying goodbye is bittersweet but before you know it...August will be here again. :)

    I'm from St. Louis...are the botanical gardens heavenly ~

    Relax now and enjoy yourself!

  3. Lemon Daddy certainly needs a family. It looks as if you found a splendid one for him. What you say about embarrassment fading as we age...I remember being mortified by my mother regularly. Now, I mortify.

  4. Although I am in NO hurry to have them grow up, I love reading about you and your daughter - it makes me look forward to the relationship I will (hopefully!) have with my girls when they are adults.

    By the way, Davis was mortified at me constantly taking pictures of people's houses in Maine.

    Will you come rescue my yard? It is a DISASTER this year.
