Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Haunting Love Story

Francisco Goldman tells us at the very beginning of Say Her Name his wife has died, following a swimming accident on a Mexican beach.  It is not until after we travel with him through memories of their meeting, courtship and wedding do we read the heart wrenching details of the accident.  Trying to find meaning in every detail of his time with Aura, Francisco takes us along with him on his journey through raw and bleeding grief as he weaves us through a love story overflowing with pain, self incrimination and moments of ultimate healing, alternating the past with the present. It is not a book that would have jumped out at me, but it is one I am glad I did not miss.

Say Her Name is being marketed as fiction yet reads as a memoir.   The names are real and events happened.  It makes me question, if memories are ours, and ours alone to hold,  who is to determine what is fact or fiction, if it is truly something we hold as a memory?

Thanks Heather!  I loved it!


  1. you really paint a vivid picture....

    true love stories really stay with us, don't they!!!!

  2. very interesting thought....I'll probably be up all night thinking about it! :)

    I love book reviews. I will put this one on my summer list - the evergrowing list, but this one sounds like a must.

    Have a wonderful long weekend!

  3. Thanks Debbie! I love talking about books.

    Sarah, I would love to hear what is on your reading list. I don't think I every catch up on my reading.

  4. Interesting question. I'm just starting "The Widower's Tale" by Julia Glass and have only a few book waiting. I think I'll put "Say Her Name" on the list.

