Sunday, June 26, 2011

Farmer's Market Supper

"Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion,
 and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved
 by multiples of those with whom it is shared." --Jesse Browner

Roger and I were up and out of the house by 7:00 a.m. headed downtown to The Farmer's Market to shop for supper.  Saturday night meals during the summer consist of whatever the farmers have to offer.

What was for supper last night?
Oh, I was hoping you would ask.

Lady Peas.

I cook them in chicken broth,  throw in a cut up sweet onion, a couple of chopped garlic cloves and a little chopped jalapeno.  Add a few sprigs of thyme, from the herb garden, salt and pepper.   Bring them to a boil, turn down and simmer until most of the liquid has evaporated.  I finish with just a little bit of butter for creaminess.

To be honest... add a slice of cornbread and this could be my meal!

Roasted Baby Squash

I simply cut the squash into chucks.  Toss them in olive oil, salt and pepper.  Spread them out on a lined cookie sheet and roast at 375 (F) for about 20 minutes.  Perfect!

 Tomato, Cucumber and Onion Salad

Toss in some basil from the garden, a few kalamata olives and some fresh feta; salt and pepper.  Perfect summer salad!

Seriously, with lovely ingredients like this you can't mess it up.

Fresh Peaches
mixed with a few blueberries and blackberries for the perfect dessert.

  Arrange  my "farmer's market" flowers with a few things from the garden in my favorite pitcher.

Pour everyone a glass of  Sauvignon Blanc, chilled to a perfect 45 degrees and...

Bon Appetit!

The welcome mat is out.  Just call and let me know you are coming (I'll powder my nose).   You never know what we will be cooking up for supper.


  1. serious drooling here.....

    this inspires me to cook but i don't really love to. i do however love to eat!!!

    i could live on that salad...& feta cheese, you can never have enough!!!

  2. I'm hurrying so fast I might not have time to give you a ring!
    Aren't the farmers the best...I love supporting them and the veggies are SO much better than store ones. It makes you never want to go to the grocery store again!

    Enjoy your supper tonight!

  3. Sounds absolutely delish! Love the fern frond header-beautiful!


  4. Debbie, cooking for others is something I love. Yes, the salad is a repeat tonight.

    Sarah, you are welcome without a call.

    Danielle, love visiting you. I'll be back!

  5. I have never heard of lady peas. They look so all looks wonderful!

  6. Yum! I'll be there next Saturday :) Actually, you know what would be fun? A farmer's market pot luck - everyone just bring their fresh vegetable or fruit creation.

    We haven't made it to the farmer's market in several weeks, it's just too hot for me right now. But we did enjoy the most amazing tomatoes from the Cathedral School garden with our dinner tonight - I was actually thinking as I ate them, that this was our second communion today. I want to check out the Hillcrest market this week!

  7. Thanks for the invitation because I'd certainly like to sit down to your Saturday evening supper! Alas, I won't be down south (Virginia) until October when I meet my sisters in our hometown to enjoy the fall. Here in the midwest, those squash, tomatoes and cucumbers won't be available for a few more weeks. The anticipation is delicious!

