Friday, June 24, 2011

Spicy Success

I always promise updates; I'm not very good at actually following through, am I?
I become sidetracked easily.
The finished product never seems as interesting as the project in progress.
Basically all you can say is here it is.

So, as promised...Here it is!

A glimpse of what I set out to do last weekend.
It took me approximately 48 hours and a tumble off a step ladder (actually two, but no one was around so it is our little secret.  I was a little stiff, but I don't think anyone noticed.  sh,h,h!)  to get to where I am now. 

It looks a little different, huh?   I threw away, combined and reassigned.

It became a puzzle, but I finally put it all back together (well almost).  

Everything is back in alphabetical order and by type of item.
I may not be an organizer, but I do love organization.

This was actually the second spice cabinet.
Now it houses platters and bowls from a different cabinet.  So much easier to get to when you are trying to plate a meal.  I still think there is a lot of wasted space.  I can take care of that problem with one more trip to The Container Store.  It became quite the puzzle.

Just a little tweaking and I'll be ready to tackle the next project.

Do I dare enter the bathroom cabinets and closet?
I may need a vacation first!


  1. Isn't it a good feeling to get organized? If it would just stay that way!!

  2. as long as you eventually show's all okay! and WOW! alphabetical order and're my kind of girl. :)

  3. Hello Bonnie:
    Gosh, we are impressed. Spice cupboards today.....the government tomorrow. With your organisational skills everything in the White House will be running like clockwork!

  4. I love organizing my cupboards and doing stuff like that. Your kitchen looks nice and neat. If only houses would stay clean! Great post. Lana

  5. When I accomplish a task such as yours, I love going back and looking at it from time to time--alas, it seems to soon revert back but it gives me something to do.


  6. gotta love the container store!

  7. fabulous job, organizing is my favorite!! no one really gets why i love it, so i mostly keep it to myself!!!

    the pantry came out really well, i did not realize you were doing that as well.

    i would love to have both pitchers on the top self of the cabinet, shall i send you my address ;)

  8. * shelf....why do i always proof read after i post

  9. You've inspired me! I'm your newest follower.

  10. I have been trying so hard to get organized! I really struggle with organization! And it feels wonderful when I do get things in order!
    Good for you!
    Have a PRETTY day!

  11. Thanks everyone, I am taking my bow as I type (not an easy task, I might add).

    Sarah, I told you we were destined to meet!

    Jane and Lance, just show me to my office on Pennsylvania Ave. I have lots of ideas, ha, ha, ha!

    Debbie, I'll just throw some clay on the ole' potter's wheel and whip up a pitcher or two for you.....if I had a potter's wheel. Hugs!

    Jill, thank you so much for joining me in my adventures. I always am excited to have a new follower. I hope I do not disappoint. I will be hopping over to visit you soon. Hugs!
