Friday, May 13, 2016

Seven Years of Ramblings

Seven years ago one of my moms suggested I write a blog.  I played around a bit, then one Saturday morning in May  I gathered the courage, wrote a profile and hit publish.    
Wow, seven years ago!  

The first year or so I spent finding my voice.  I sometimes go back to reread my post... some are so far off the mark and some surprise me.  There are posts that I became so passionate about my subject I lost track of my writing and it became gibberish.   In the beginning, like many beginning bloggers, I battled between developing a blog persona and wanting to be authentic.   I hope I have been and continue to be successful at being real.

Where do I go from here?  
A lot has happened over the last few years.   I'm learning to accept imperfection and enjoy the process and time saved.  I honestly don't know where I'm headed.  I am going to stop worry about quantity.  I have a few ideas running around in my head.  I'm doing a little test driving on Instagram.  Join me if you are interested, livingbeeslife.   I do know, I will continue to share God's blessings found in ordinary moments of Living Life.   

Thank you for reading, lifting me up and helping me through the last seven years.  I appreciated each and everyone of you and all of your comments.

Hugs and wishes for a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

And He Whispers, Slow Down

Have you ever found yourself running around in circles trying to catch-up...
make someone happy... stay on course.   When I start playing catchup I'm have visions of the old "spinning plate" circus act.    A performer comes into the ring where several tall stakes have been placed; his assistant follows, holding a stack of plates.  He begins by placing one plate atop a stake and starts it spinning, then another and another.  The idea was to keep all the plates spinning at one time.  By the time he had the last one going, the first would begin to wobble, and he would rush back to start it spinning again.   He was constantly running from pole to pole hoping to keep each plate balanced and rotating.   I don't know about you, but when I start moving from one task to another, trying to keep all my "dishes" perfectly balanced and moving, something almost always happens.

This happened to me last week.  I slipped back into the classroom knowing I had a ton of things waiting to be finished.  Though I prepared for my absence, and good friends generously helped with things while I was away, I had to jump in running.  It was program week and Mother's Day gifts needed to be finished and wrapped.  I began with my usual "bird by bird" pace,  but quickly began feeling behind and moving from one task to another.   I kept telling myself, " it will all get finished".  I couldn't sleep.  I would wake up thinking about everything I needed to do, everything everyone else needed me to do; I would say a little prayer and begin making my lists.  My plates were spinning at break neck speed.

Program day finally arrived.  My prayers were answered, I had checked almost everything off my list.  Though a voice in my head kept saying, "relax, your almost there", I wasn't satisfied.  I didn't want to listen.  I wanted control.  I wanted to be finished, and the only thing left was to have the children sign their Mother's Day cards and attach them to the gifts.   Each signed their name as they arrived, and I began attaching them to the wrapped packages.  Ten minutes before showtime and everything was going smoothly.  I announced we needed to pick-up and get ready to line-up.  I turned around to tie one more bow, when I felt eleven small bodies rush against me for hugs.  I heard a book fall, a plate slide and... crash... it happened so quickly,  I didn't have time to react... the full tumbler of coffee,  I had so carefully place at the back of my counter, turn over, spilling coffee everywhere...papers were soaked and as were the wrapped Mother's Day presents and just finished cards. 

I could blame my children for the mess, for the extra work, but in reality I was trying to do too many things at one time.  I had ignored the voice telling me to relax, I wanted to tie one last bow... check that final thing off my list.   Then, God whispered a little bit louder with eleven sets of arms and a bump..."slow down".

I often need to be reminded answered prayers are seldom accompanied by drums and bugles, but with whispers.   Sometimes when we fail to listen to that little voice in our head the whisper becomes a soft roar. 

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.
Proverbs 16:9              

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May I Introduce

Happy Tuesday dear friends!

The last month has been a whirlwind of activity.  I am now back home, back in school and playing catch-up.   I didn't have my computer with me and to be perfectly honest there wasn't time to write or read.. anything.  

Well, maybe that is not totally true.  Each morning I took the time to read my "First 5" meditation,  and before going to bed I checked out pinterest and instagram.  I am addicted to instagram... a pretty picture and a few words.  Do you use instagram?

Without further ramblings may I introduce you to our newest family member...

We have two beautiful and amazing grandchildren, and
we are blessed.