Friday, June 3, 2011

It has been awhile since I have updated you on the front landscaping.  I wish I could say it was finished.  I wish I could say I am so very happy with it.  I can't because it is not and I am not. 

Here is what has gone right.

This is where it seems to be going really wrong.

Today the "pad" was taken out.  The three rock slabs have replaced it.  I am keeping my fingers crossed. 

As a teacher I know the best plans do not always work as thought.   Success  is a process of evaluating and modifing.

I know it is going to turn out okay (do I sound convincing?).  I'll  try to keep you posted.


  1. I love the curved walkway and beds along it. Those should be lovely in another season, but definitely are headed in the right direction.

    Didn't know you had an earthquake recently... oh, you didn't? Well, give "them" a bit of time to work out the kinks and it will be as nice as the rest. Yes, keep thinking that way - a work in progress. Worst case, there is always moss that will love to grow among the stones and soften edges. Good luck!

  2. so happy to see this post this morning, i've been wondering how things are going!!

    well...most of it looks great, stay on top of the rest and it will be the same.

    we did our yard maybe 10 years ago and it is already in need of a lot of major work. everything gets so big, overgrown...the neighbors started evy and that has crossed over the fence and is choking all my plants, flowers and trees. we have an acre, all finished with lot's of gardens. it is a lot of work. fun when it's newly done!!!

  3. It all looks so nice except for the 'pad'. You'll have to make it very clear that you are NOT pleased.

    I'm sure it will all work out. Can't wait to see it all done and gorgeous!


  4. I totally understand the need to know it is going to look good in the end. This is a major project and not something you just can tear out if you don't like it. Good luck and your yard is beautiful.
