Friday, July 1, 2011

Low Batteries

I'm afraid my batteries are running low.

(image from "pinterest")
I've taken care of my last obligation for awhile, and I have
promised I will not commit to anything for the next several weeks.

My biggest decision will be
if I want to knit

or read.

And if I choose to read, will I choose the hard copy of

Cover Image
sitting on my bedside table
(it's been on my to read list for a couple of years)
or download

Cover Image
which I am dying to read.

I will be traveling in the next week or so;
carrying my nook through the airport
and around is much easier than a bag of books.

And, if I'm home, I may choose to play around in the yard
with Willie

pulling a few weeds here and there,

watching the birds

and taking care of their needs.

Or, maybe the squirrels

will want to play.

You could come over

for lunch,
or we might go out.

You can be sure my camera will always be close at hand.
And I will be writing about  what goes well

and things that

are just not right
 here at "Living Life".

Yes, I am recharging;
 I'm plugged into
a very long extension cord.


  1. I hope you enjoy every moment!

  2. sounds like you have some really heavy decisions to make! Good thing they all sound them all!

    recharge and enjoy yourself ~

  3. I'd love to do lunch! In the meantime, happy and safe travels.


  4. Sounds like you have some great ideas to help recharge your batteries! Hope it's very relaxing whatever you do.

  5. I hope you enjoy each and every moment!


  6. decisions....decisions, sounds like some wonderful choices.

    i love to create anything with yarn!!

    and that salad, yummo...i LOVE anything with fresh dill.

    relax, recharge and enjoy!!!
