Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do you remember?

Sigh, do you remember

It now looks like this

Here are a few more then and nows.

It's too early for these to start
changing to this color.

How quickly it went from this
to this

This is the second summer of scorching temperatures.   Last year I watched so many of my favorites burn up and disappear during our too many days of 100+ temperatures.  Those temps didn't arrive until August.  This year the temps started rising in early June; it has been unrelenting with little relief from rain.  Last spring I eagerly and joyfully replanted.   As I sit and look out at my backyard,  feeling a bit defeated, I am beginning to think I need to re-evaluate.   You have to decide what is worth repairing

and what you sadly give up or change.

Who knows!  Next year when I am yearning to get out and play in the dirt I will probably change my mind, but like my beautiful hydrangeas, I am pretty much done (and yes I mean done not finished...well done) today.

On a positive note,

like a good friend the Althea is hanging in without complaining

Whatever this is, seems to
be thriving in spite it is a slug's
favorite snack.

The summer phlox is on its second bloom.

And, Autumn Joy is looking good even
though it had a bit of a disruption
during the front makeover.

I think I'll go hang out with him for awhile.



  1. I'm done too! I have a few troopers still hanging on but it's definately not the garden I started out to create!
    On the other hand, the trailing vines of the cucumber plants are out of control. I'm up to my ears in pickling and canning already.

    Enjoy your evening ~

  2. Can you switch over to succulents? Don't have much desire to do that either, but after these last few summers we may all have to! Sadly, tho, what makes us gardeners is that springtime belief that this year it will be better. It's the Mother Nature in our blood and we can't escape it.

    Your Althea is gorgeous. Ours was pretty until the hurricane blew it over! As Roseanne Rosannadanna would say, "It's always something."

  3. it's just sooooo painful to watch them die off. the hubs and i have been watering so most of my plants are still doing well...although, i will have to rob a bank to pay the water bill!!!

  4. Hello Bonnie:
    This is all very sad making and we can so readily understand how disheartening it must be to see so much of the garden suffering in this way. It all takes so much in the way of effort and then to have disappointment on this scale is somewhat depressing. But, there is little to be done except to try to remain positive which, we are sure, you are.

  5. Oh dear, it's very sad to see such beautiful flowers and plants dry up like that. Our winter killed off a few of our plants from the cold. On the other hand I really like your autumn joy, it's looking beautiful. Hope you get some rain soon!

  6. So many sweet comments giving support for my dehydrated and brown garden (it is not all brown). I agree Webb, it is always something. But, with every negative there is a positive just waiting to be uncovered; you can be certain I will be working on it. I will say, not being a summer person, I am desperately dreaming of a cooler climate....and maybe an early autumn? Happy Thursday everyone....I'm still smiling, I hope you are as well.
