Friday, July 15, 2011

A Tourist in Boston

Trying to find the perfect quote for this post I discovered there are no nice quotes regarding tourists.  Tourists seem to be loathed by all.  At least by those elevated to the height of being frequently quoted.   I suppose that might be why when visiting an area which we do not call home we resist all the baggage which labels us as "tourists".

This week with my map and camera in hand I played the tourist in Boston.  And, I had the most marvelous time.  I don't know why we resist the role so often.

Boston is a most wonderful city!  It is described as a walking city, I took them at their word.   It took but a few minutes of walking on cobblestones to realize we didn't bring the best walking shoes.   Our first purchase.  Please notice,  I needed two pairs.

Roger was my tour guide Saturday.  We spent a lovely Sunday with friends we hadn't seen in many years.  I was on my own the last two days.

There is just too much to tell you about and show you in one post.  I literally returned each evening over stimulated, overheated and starving.  If my computer had been with me you probably would have gotten the blow by blow; I was dying to tell someone about everything.

For my culinary friends, I wish I could say I ate my way through Boston, but I did not.  Most days I actually forgot, was to overwhelmed or just didn't have the time to stop and eat.   Oh, but there was food.

and restaurants

       There was architecture,




and you didn't think I would leave out


I had several places I wanted to go and things I wanted to see; I don't think I went or saw any of it, but I saw so much.  I made up my own tour as I walked,  taking pictures of things which interest me and had a blast.  I want to share the Boston I saw through my camera lens with you in the coming days.


  1. I'm all ears, Bonnie! I've never been to Boston, though I hope to change that soon. Jim has been several times and loves it. And now that Will will be in New Haven, it's only a Megabus ride away....

    Your photos whet my appetite. Tell more!

  2. first.....clarks shoes/sandels/anything = devine!!

    i love bringing my computer on vacation so i can journal/blog each evening. even if it's just in rough draft form & saved. or you can always go with the old fashioned "written journal" for documenting daily adventures.

    travel posts are one of my favorites...i have never been to boston, hoping for more!!

    awesome pictures today....a nice varity!!

  3. It is uncanny that you posted about Boston. My daughter and her fiance are moving there in a few weeks. I have not been there in years and I have been spending a lot of time on Google Image looking at photos of the Boston I remember from 30 years ago, when I used to visit friends. I can't wait for your posts. I have even fantasized about living there. Small world, eh?

  4. We had a lovely holiday in Boston a good number of years ago so I am looking forward to re-visiting via your postings. We stayed in a private home on B&B which was a great success and, like you, did a lot of walking!
