Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"The Girl I Mean To Be"

I have shared the words of several songs from the Broadway musical "A Secret Garden" in past posts.  If you have seen the production you know the music is both beautiful and haunting.  If you haven't  had the chance to see it, I understand it is once again touring.  I highly recommend it.

I often mention I am an obsessive person.  I am.   Some might call it passionate... maybe.  I know when I begin something I enjoy the world slows down for awhile; hurt feelings, disappointments and anxieties disappear.  I like to think I am being given a gift, and I am aware enough to receive it.  I openly accept time to think, to relax, to solve problems, to recharge; I become a better me for taking it.  Whenever I open a book, dig in the dirt, pick up a ball of wool and begin casting onto a set of needles, or whatever I pick up that I cannot put down, I enter my own secret garden, my private Cathedral. It is here I find I am closest to my creator and I become

 "The Girl I Mean To Be"

I need a place where I can go
Where I can whisper what I know
Where I can whisper who I like
And where I go to see them

I need a place where I can hide
 Where no one sees my life inside
Where I can make my plans and write them down
So I can read them
A place where I can make my heart be still
And it will mind me
A place where I can go when I am lost
And there I'll find me
I need a place to spend the day
Where no one says to go or stay
Where I can take my pen and draw
The girl I mean to be
"The Girl I Mean to Be"
The Secret Garden (Broadway production)

I hope you've found the key to your secret garden.


  1. Beautiful post Bonnie! And good for you for being aware enough to receive the gift of time slowed down.

  2. being able to take a break, relax and reflect, do indeed makes us a better person. Cheers to you.


  3. Great post! I feel the same way when I'm working in my garden.

  4. Beautiful photos. And I love the Anne Lamott quote on your sidebar!

  5. I love the idea and the excerpt from The Secret Garden.

    Beautiful photos!


  6. We all need that safe place to go to when the world spins way too fast.

  7. This is so true. My place is in my back garden. It has sustained me through trying times and brings me constant joy.
