Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Few New Things

The longer I am on blogger the more I notice there is something for everyday, (i.e. Mosaic Monday, Thrifty Tuesday) and I love seeing what everyone posts.  But alas, as I have mentioned before, I never know what I am going to write about.  When I set about trying to manipulate my thoughts I usually end up deleting everything.  My muse visits, I write.  I suppose some posts are better that others. . .

More than any daily named post, I see  a lot of Wordless Wednesdays, with a lot of fabulous pictures.  What a terrific idea!  I only have to go through my pictures and post a few.  Wonderful!

Here lies the problem dear friends.  I am seldom wordless!   If there is a story to be told, I am going to tell it, probably when you don't have time to listen.  Thus one of my reasons for being here in the first place.  (I really don't take myself as seriously as a few of my post have led you to believe).  With that said, today will be titled "Wednesday's Wellness Walkabout".  (I know I always have to be different.  I just dance to a different beat.  Think how much fun I will be when I get really old...).

Here are a few things I found when I was out with Willie today.

my first meyer lemon baby of the season
They maybe starting my front landscaping Monday. We may solve the mystery of the missing water valve.   I am fully prepared to be proven wrong.  I will keep you posted.


  1. I have also seen this "wordless wednesday" but like you, I always have a lot to say. Love your blog and all the beautiful photo's.


  2. I love this post! Wish I could come along with you and Willie on your walks.


  3. and Willie saw some beautiful flowers and you have a baby lemon. Jealous!!! Webster and I had a nice walk but saw only brown and some new green leaves coming to life in our woods. Lovely photos.

  4. I love the wellness walk...what a great idea and I look to seeing all the beauty that you come across.

    I was wondering when you were going to tell us abou the missing water pipe!

  5. That Petunia! And a Meyer Lemon? Beautiful! Karin

  6. Thank you so much for coming by and visiting. I have to go and cook supper right now, but I am following you, and will be back to nose around here in a bit. Have a great week-end.

  7. I've loved reading everyone's comments! Thank you! I am so glad I took those pictures. So many of the blooms did not make it through the horrific storms we had last night. You are all welcome to come over for a visit in the garden.
