Sunday, April 17, 2011

Excavation Begins

"To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often."
--John Henry Newman

Tomorrow the excavation in my front yard begins.  I must be very honest, I am a little nervous.  That is a lie...I am a "great big" nervous.  

This is the weekend I would have cleaned out the front beds and changed out the pansies with inpatients.  Instead I worked in the back, leaving my front yard looking pretty sad.

I've moved many plants to the back;
I still have more  to rescue. 

I'm hoping they will begin with the brick walkway.

The grass will mostly disappear with the transformation of my 
front yard garden.

Now I need your help.
I want to paint my front door a different color.
I am not opposed to changing the awning as well.

It is a double door.
There is a solid door behind the 
glass paned door.
I would love to paint the doors red, but I'm
not for sure what it would look like with my brick, or what 
color awning I  should choose.

All suggestions are welcome.

I'll keep you updated on the garden redo.

Change is exciting...I think!


  1. Your house is adorable! I love a sage-y green with red brick. I want to hear more about your front yard plans!

  2. really...I like the black but if you're set on a change, I would go faded light yellow...very pale.
    I'm excited for you and can't wait to see the progress!

  3. Army green or 'khaki'. Leave the awning as is.


  4. I was going to say sage green for your door too before I saw the comments here. Sounds like some exciting plans for your front yard!

  5. i LOVE your home, it looks much better without the snow ;) soooo i love the black and personally would leave it/repaint it black. the roof, the awning and the black in the brick really flow well together. if you repaint, def would go with sage green. take progress pictures, i can't wait to see them.

    and if you read my entire washington post, you are a very kind soul. i am mildly obsessed. xo

  6. Recently I have seen several doors that were "off-red" one to the orange side and one more cerise. You have probably already seen that red brick isn't really red at all, so you need to see which way it leans - to the blue scale or to the yellow and then decide.

    Since you appear to have a lot of pink in the garden, the moss green suggested above might go better with the garden pallet.

  7. You know what Bonnie...I would be inclined to keep it as it...but if you are thinking of a change, I would try the green, a lighter version of the buttons shown on your blog?

    Better yet, I would have a thing about two large potted plants to go on either side of the door. It looks lovely as it is but if you are looking for a change, I would flip thru a few magazines/books for ideas. I am looking along the same lines. If I see something I will let you know :)

    Jeanne xx
