Sunday, April 24, 2011


My mom is busy in the kitchen, and she left her computer out.   I think I will surprise her and write her Sunday night post.

I am the one they call Willie.   My  favorite thing to do is roam the backyard discovering new smells.  Sometimes I find gifts hidden beneath the dirt.  It doesn't make my mom happy when she sees me stopping for a snack.  I've been seeing a lot of this lately.

Who came up with toothpaste for pups anyway?

 I'm not for sure how she always seems to know what I am doing; she is usually walking around looking at her flowers or waiting for birds to fly in for their dinner.

I wonder...

I often feel like

someone is watching me.

I think

there might be

be a little

bit of


going on

in my



The faces in my yard.


  1. Willie is so cute - I think he's my favorite "face"! Give him a big hug and kiss for me.

  2. Willie is adorable! Thanks for letting him get on the computer. Karin
    p.s. Where did you find the "toothbrush"? Jack needs one of those.

  3. What fun! Hope we'll have some more of Willie's thoughts!
