Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Paper Garden

"A great book should leave you with many experiences, 
and slightly exhausted at the end.
You live several lives while reading."
...William Styron

I knew nothing of Mary Delaney prior to reading The Paper Garden by Molly Peacock.  This book was recommended to me by someone who sat next to me in the St. Louis airport several weeks ago.  We began talking books and she told me she had just finished The Paper Garden and enjoyed it very much.

File:Mary Delany (née Granville) by John Opie.jpg
image via Wikapedia
Having a week left of school and halfway through a book I was not enjoying, with gift card in hand I was soon off to the bookstore to look for this book.  I picked it up and walked around.  I placed it back on the shelf and walked away.  I browsed the shelves and handled other books.  I decided to just leave, I didn't have the time to commit to another book.   I passed the biographies one more time; temptation got the better of me.   I grabbed the book and soon found myself walking out with a new book in my hand and a smile on my face.

"Imagine starting your life's work at seventy-two.  At just that age, Mary Granville Pendarves Delany (May 14, 1700 - April 15, 1788, a fan of George Frideric Handel, a sometime dinner partner of satirist Johnathan Swift, a wearer of green-hooped satin gowns, and a fiercely devoted subject of blond King George III, invented a precursor of what we know as collage.  One afternoon in 1772 she noticed how a piece of colored paper matched the dropped petal of a geranium.  After making that vital imaginative connection between paper and petal, she lifted the eighteenth-century equivalent of an X-Acto blade (she'd have called it a scalpel) or a pair of filigree-handled scissors - the kind that must have had a nose so sharp and delicate that you could almost imagine it picking up a scent.  With the instrument alive in her still rather smooth-skinned hand, she began to maneuver, carefully cutting the exact geranium petal shape from the scarlet paper.

Then she snipped out another.

And another, and another, with the trance-like efficiency  of repetition - commencing the most remarkable work of her life."

Rosa gallica, Cluster Damask Rose 1780
image via
And thus Molly Peacock begins her own work of art intertwining the story of Mary Delany's seventy-two years of life and creations with occasional shadings of her own history and thoughts.

The Paper Garden is a lesson in history, art, botany and horticulture.  I am certain we might could say a little philosophy as well.  Ms. Peacock does a beautiful job of making this study both readable and enjoyable.  It was not difficult for me to find the poetry amid the prose.

I have no credentials to review a book.  I would never attempt to critique.  I am but a humble reader passing on a book I very much enjoyed.

I am forever grateful to a stranger in the airport.
I think book lovers are drawn to one another.

Happy Reading!


  1. So glad you enjoyed this Bonnie...I often give it as a gift. I haven't read it yet, it is on my list. I just find the book and story so enchanting...
    Best wishes for a lovely weekend...
    Jeanne xx

    1. Jeanne, I hope you have a chance to read it once you are settled. I wouldn't want to tempt you with something to distract you from your packing:) Bonnie

  2. You always piqué my interest when you write about a good book.

    1. Arleen, Thank you! That is exactly what I want to do. I am always a little worried someone might think that I think I know what I am talking about.... Bonnie

  3. I think it's just a wonderful gift to have that stranger recommend this to you. So glad you enjoyed it!

  4. I just started reading a book for the first time in a while ~ The Glass Castle by Jeeannette Walls...recommended by none other then my ninety-five year old grandmother! Just a couple pages into it, and I forgot how much I love to read! I will be checking out all your suggestions now that I am back into a forotten passion ~ if i can find the time with all of my latest adventures :)

    1. "The Glass Castle" is a wonderful book. Her second book, "Half-broke Horses" is equally good if not better. I hope you get a chance to read it as well. Girl, you do have the best adventures. And, I do adore your Grandmother. Bonnie

  5. It sounds like a most interesting book Bonnie.

    They say there are no accidents in meeting people and this is a good example of like minded people,strangers, bonding through literature.

    Have a glorious weekend

    Helen xx

    1. Helen, Art, books and gardening are wonderful subjects for starting conversations and building friendships. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.

  6. I am excited to read this endorsement. I am forever on the lookout for a good book so will keep this in mind.

    Congratulations on your win of the Cottage Style book.

    You're having good book karma.

    xo Jane

    1. Jane, Thank you! I do hope if you choose to read "The Paper Garden" you enjoy it. I enjoyed the way the author included snippets of her own life at the end of each chapter. I am honored to find you have joined me here at Living Life. Welcome! Bonnie

  7. I will look out for this book - it sounds really interesting. Thanks for posting about it. Jx

  8. I have not read the book but did attend a book talk that my friend (collager, bookmaker, etc.) gave and it has been on my list ever since. I think it will be a nice summer read.


    1. Bonnie, I would love to hear someone speak on this book. I hope you enjoy it. Bonnie

  9. Bonnie, this makes me want to read this book immediately! I have a gift card at my local book store and I plan to go there today and buy this book. Thanks for recommending it.

    1. Sunday, I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Have a great weekend. Bonnie

  10. Now I get your comment about discovering books through airport encounters. How fun! This does sound like a book I would enjoy. Thanks, Bonnie.

    1. Lorrie, Ha! ha! I am so sorry. I do talk in riddles sometimes don't I. Bonnie
