Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Have a Question?

It just occurred to me I have been doing this little thing called "blogging for over a year now.  Wow!  Who knew I could stay focused on something for that period of time.  No, I am not entertaining the idea of stopping.  I enjoy it.  I do realize some posts are better than others; so goes my days.  One day I may find my focus, but until then I will continue to jump from one subject to the next, much as I do in real life.

Here is my question?  When you make a comment, do you expect a response?  How do prefer to receive a response?

I love to to comment on the blogs I follow.  I want you to know I am reading and enjoying your post.  As one said, on a favorite blog, it is a continued conversation.  Several respond by email, some respond back in the comment area of their post and some seldom respond.

If you haven't noticed I don't have this answering comment thing figured out yet, and I do over think things a tad.( ha! ha! ha! You think?)   I appreciate each of my public followers and those who check in on me; I alway love hearing from you.  Share your thoughts with me.  Maybe I'll figure this out by next year.


  1. Oh, I love your frog picture, made me smile. My goodness a year at blogging. It seems to suck you in doesn't it. I have only being doing it for couple of months - but I love it. You get to 'meet' so many lovely people from all over the world. So cool!!

  2. I'm glad you asked this question Bonnie. I don't have it figured out myself. I try to respond to every question. If the question is general, I go to the questioner's blog and respond there. If it is a bit more involved, I use e-mail. I don't think one should have to return to a blog's comments section to see if their question has been answered. It will be interesting to see what sort of comments you get. I will check back to see.

    Have a great weekend.


  3. bonnie....i asked a blogger friend the same questions, blogging eiiquette. when someone leaves a comment for me, i follow back to their blog, read and be sure to leave a comment. she told me most bloggers don't return to a comment they left, looking for a reply, so i rarely do that.

    i often reply via email to comments left only because i have the time and love conversing with bloggers.....and also because i don't really receive a lot of comments!! that's just what i do, i hope that helps.

    big smiles on the picture!!!

  4. Going on three years and I still don't know the answer to that - IF there is one. When I comment on someone else's blog, I only check back if there is a "discussion" going on, or I am VERY interested in the topic. Usually, my comments are a low level thing - like confirmation, or agreement, or adding a tidbit and I don't really expect an answer back. There are a few bloggers who respond 100% to all their commenters, and that is always nice.

    For my own blog, I try to acknowledge - that's really the right word, I think - in groups of comments. It's not as personal, but feels right to me. If something gets deeper, I will sometimes email, but I keep a separate email for blogging and don't check it every day. (I am a bit of an older generation and have concerns about putting too much personal info "out there".)

    Perhaps someone who knows something will reply to your question. I hope so!!

  5. Great question, Bonnie. I always try to respond, mostly to let the commenter know that I've read & appreciate their comment. However, I don't really expect the commenter to come back & read my response. In that way, it's kind of comic, isn't it?

    I leave comments mostly to let the blogger know that I'm reading. Some blogs I read--the ones that have hundreds of followers--I don't comment on because plenty of others do. However, some blogs I always comment on because I'm friends with the blogger, like you, or a few others I've been reading since way back when we all first started.

  6. I think you should do what is comfortable for you at the moment. There are blogs that I follow that I am very familiar with and enjoy very much. Depending on my mood (and the time that I have that day), I will write a small comment or, in some cases, enough words to qualify as a post. I do enjoy the banter back and forth but cannot always keep up with those that write a few times a day. It is fun though getting to know people through this thing called blogging.

  7. No. I leave comments. But I don't expect them in return.

    But I do love them.



  8. I don't expect any response. If I have an important question I usually e-mail that person. Don't ever feel like you have to respond to anything I say on the comments. Believe me I know how hard that would be. I wouldn't be able to do anything else but sit on the computer. Have a good evening!!! Susan

  9. Glad you asked this. I've been wondering what to do myself.

    When I leave a comment, I don't "expect" a response but am always so happy when I get one.

  10. Hello Bonnie:
    For us, we feel that if someone is kind enough to take the time and trouble to read our posts and comment, then we very much want them to know,personally, that we appreciate what they have to say. And so, we answer every one individually. We do not see this as a chore, far from it, as we love the dialgue which develops and have been intrigued by the directions in which we have been led by comments which have given us an entirely new perspective on what we wrote.

    But, blogs are always best for us when one has a sense of the individual doing their own thing in their own way. Each to his own, we say, since that is the spice of life.

  11. I know what you mean about blogging, sometimes I have so much to say and other times I can't think of anything, so sometimes my blog is hit or miss. I always appreciate comments, I don't get that many so I try to email back thanks to most of them. I just started blogging this past January, so I am fairly new at this. It always amazes me when I go to make a comment on someone's blog and they already have like 47 comments! I certainly would not expect them to respond! It's something I have thought about myself from time to time, I am glad you put out the question. I guess it is different for different people and circumstance, depending on how busy we are, etc. I do find I feel closer and friendlier to people who I communicate with more frequently (such as yourself). p.s. love the frog, he looks like he is really enjoying himself! xoxo Lana

  12. I follow a lot of blogs and enjoy them all. But I only comment when I feel so moved. And I never expect a reply. I'm always happy to get one and be acknowledged. But there's no need for the receiver to do it. I'm just enjoying the journey through the bloggie world!
