Friday, August 5, 2011


Oops!  My last post had a really obvious mistake.
This morning,  just as I was prepared 
to hit publish, a third of my
post mysteriously disappeared.  I 
rewrote and hit publish.
This afternoon when I went back
to look at it,  I noticed the missing section
had, just as mysteriously,
reappeared.  This made me go back
to see what other mistakes I might have left unedited.
I am looking a little like Willie; there
were just a few.
Obviously, I need a good editor.

Have a good evening.
I'm headed back to edit... just kidding...

well, maybe not.


  1. Sometimes when I go back and re-read the comments I make on other people's blog, or on my own posts I can't believe I didn't catch it. Don't worry about it. Everyone has made mistakes. I actually find it reassuring to know it isn't always me making little errors.

  2. From Beyond - I do believe it is difficult to edit ones own work; my brain tells the eyes how it was thought to say. This is probably a good reason to write and go back later to edit before publishing. I just have so little time.

  3. bonnie....i have started to do just that. prepare posts and say them for the following day or so. if i am really excited about something (that hapens a lot) & the story must be told immediately, then i have the hubs read it, that's a big help!!!

  4. I sometimes read, reread and rereread and still miss glaring errors. Since I do so many recipes, I have to be very careful --such as missing the "slash" and posting 12 cups instead of 1/2 cup. Ooops!


  5. I miss errors right under my nose too. Yesterday, a blogger friend emailed me to say I had typed 'waste line' instead of 'waist line'! Sometimes my fingers type phonetically ;)

  6. I always check my writing over because it's so easy for the mind to be way ahead of the typing fingers and leave words out!!!

  7. Thank you each and everyone! You have made me feel better. Not only do I think faster than I type, when I proof, I think, my mind reads for content not typing. And, I have a crazy computer that routinely moves the cursor around. Ha!
