Friday, August 5, 2011


"You can never have too much glitter!"
                                                                      -- my daughter

I taught her well!  Actually she taught me to love and
 add a little glitter in my life.

This afternoon while I am sitting through
my inservice,  I will be daydreaming
of all the ways I will be using
glitter, glue and paint
in my classroom this year.

I love the Target commercial that ends with,
"Oh, so much glitter".   I have read a little
criticism of the back-to-school Target ads.  As a teacher,
I hope all new and returning teachers
show just an inkling of enthusiasm
shown in the ad. 
Let's not be afraid to look silly.
It is a great way to get the attention of
your students.  Isn't that what is all about?

Is the heat getting you down?
Let's take out the crayons, paper, glue,
sprinkle a little glitter and add
some sparkle in our life.

Oh the possibilities!

Have a fun weekend!

(all the images are collected from Pinterest)


  1. What is it about glitter that brings out the little girl in us all. Lol

  2. Hello Bonnie:
    Your daughter is absolutely right, one can never have too much glitter and one is never too old for least, that is our view!! A little sparkle is exactly what is needed in life at the moment.

  3. Hello Bonnie:
    Your daughter is absolutely right. One can never have too much glitter and, we would add, one is never too old for playing with glitter. A little sparkle in life is always good, we feel!!!

  4. Elli -- I so agree! Glitter is just too fun!

  5. Jane and Lance -- I am perfect proof that glitter has no age boundaries.
    It makes my heart happy!
