Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back on Track

Yes, I'm getting back into my routine.  Gone are the morning walks, sitting in front of my laptop catching up on emails and blog hopping while leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee.  Yesterday I headed out of here at 8:00 and returned home around 4:45.  There were meetings in the morning and a CPR inservice in the afternoon.  I was tired and, having worked through lunch,  hungry when I finally walked through my door.

There were  wasted opportunities this summer.  I spent more time thinking of what needed to be done than the actual act of preforming.  I read a few books, knitted a few baby gifts, cleaned out and organized cabinets, pantries and closets, lunched with a few friends and took a short trip to Boston.   As I type out all I  completed, it seems like a lot, but in all honesty it wasn't that much.  If I had put an equal amount of energy into every day, I might have solved the economic crisis, come up with a solution to global warming and most certainly brought peace to the world.  Although I will never be able to claim to have solved international issues, I do have a clean desk!

 This may never happen again.

Yes, the wakeup  call is coming earlier, and I will once again have a daily routine to mind, but I will never be bored....I promise.

A little good news/bad news from behind the garden gate.   The few days of rain we were awarded last week could not bring back the dead.  It did, however,  prove something could grow.

Tuesday Willie and I found our favorite turtle, Buddy, deceased.  He was the turtle with the brown shell I described as  looking like a military helmet.  I am not for sure what happen.  He had been missing for a couple of days.  We found him on his back, lifeless.

Alas, Buddy was a pleasant creature.
He did not deserve to die on his back.

Roger and I buried it; I will be looking for a little concrete turtle to place on the bricks.  For now I moved my favorite little smiling face to keep other critters from digging up the remains.  I know, I know...   What more is there to say!

Three or four turtles remain (I've lost count).


  1. Hello Bonnie:
    We do think that it is one oflife's real luxuries when not every moment of every day is accounted for in terms of work. It does seem to us that you have accomplished a great deal but if you have also found time to simply while away the hours doing very little then that in our book is wonderful. Exactly what summer days are made for!!

    Such sad news of your turtle. Do they live to an old age? We think that is rather a good idea to find a ceramic turtle for his headstone.

  2. Poor Buddy, may he rest in peace.

    Sorry you did not find the time to solve the economic crisis or bring about world peace. See if you can fit it in your schedule next summer.

  3. I just made a luncheon date with a friend to work on solving our economic crisis, environmental issues and world peace so fear not, we'll be on it. I'll e-mail you later re the Windy City.


  4. Jane and Lance, I can certainly take credit for enjoying more than a few idle moments this summer. Yes, turtles can have very long lives. I have one that has shown up every spring for fifteen years. I recognize him by the bite marks on the back of his shell.

  5. Starting Over -- Ha! Ha! Yes I will have those tasks at the top of my list.

  6. Bonnie, I am so glad you are on top of it. Carry on and keep me posted. I look forward to hearing from you.

  7. Sorry about your little turtle. Just remember there is only so much we can do in a day. Since I started blogging I find that is where most of my time goes. Is that good or bad? LOL

  8. If you had gotten it all done this summer there would be no reason to look forward to next summer. Rest on your laurels and look forward to the children coming back.

  9. oooohhhh bonnie, i think you accomplished a lot this summer. i have actually been a lil jealous of all your organizing and cleaning projects!!

    you did good and i think you had a nice productive and fun summer!! xo

  10. Ellie, I spend way too much time on the computer as well. I adore reading everyone's updates tho'. Now it will be an afternoon pastime.

  11. Webb, Thanks for putting things into perspective for me. There is always next summer. Hugs!

  12. Debbie, Thanks! I have this sneaky suspicion you are quite organized. It was a nice summer and I did need to recharge a little more than usual. Now back on a schedule. Hugs!

  13. RIP, Buddy. How sad! On a happier note - nice, clean desk :) I love that first shot - so tranquil.
