Saturday, August 13, 2011

Another Project Complete

Two closets emptied.
Boxes and bags filled and dropped off at Goodwill.
One very large trash bag.
A trip to the Container Store.
 Two closets organized.

From infant to bride

Heather's closet holds twenty seven year
of memories. 

My workroom closet is filled
with all of my sewing, knitting, 
card making,and photography 
supplies.  And, boxes and boxes
of photographs.

I will be using the top of the chest
for gift wrapping.  It is the perfect height.

My daughter attached the Gone With The Wind pictures
to the closet wall.  I left them as a reminder 
of how much we enjoy 
watching the movie together.

Organizing is not something I enjoy doing, 
but I love being organized.
It is not a task I can plan; I become overwhelmed.
It is something I just have to jump into
and complete.
I wouldn't have been able to finish this project today
without Roger.  He keeps me focused.
I enjoy rummaging through boxes,
finding things that make me stop
 and take a moment (or two) to reminisce.
He is also pretty handy with
taking down heavy book boxes.
One glass of champagne!


  1. Good for you, Bonnie! I think it must be something akin to nesting for teachers, to do this organize-a-thon right before the school year begins. A couple of friends are doing the same thing. Your closets look positively serene. I certainly won't show you mine!

  2. Congratulations on a job well done!

  3. It's always a good feeling when the job is done. Your closets are looking very neat and organised.

  4. Charlotte - I have never thought of this last minute frenzy as nesting. It sounds logical. I would get so much more accomplished if I worked on it all summer. ha! ha!

    Jill and Ellie -- Thanks! It is always nice to hear "job well done" at any age.

  5. Doesn't it feel good though to have all the junk cleared out so the special memories and things are forefront...
    I love to organize and reorganize! Anything out of it's place and I'm crazy!

    Enjoy your Sunday ~ :)

  6. Sarah -- I am very happy to have these closets cleaned. I am hoping to be a little more productive now that everything has a place. Bonnie

  7. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to mark those projects off your list,isn't it?!!!!

  8. i LOVE to organize and label things, i am the queen of clean!!!

    it looks great bonnie, you did an awesome job!!

    i remember your cabinet clean out post recently, you certainly accomplished a lot this summer. i always do these projects in the winter and i am looking forward to it!!! xo

  9. I love, love, love being organized, however, I hate the process.
