Thursday, August 16, 2012

With No Regrets

"Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity."
Jean de La Bruyere

My summer break is over.   I've spent the better part of this week dusting shelves, straightening books and changing out my bulletin board.  I am looking forward to a new school year.  I am ready!

Next week we will begin our meetings.  It is always fun to see everyone again.  I am sure the question, "Where did the time go?" will be bandied around with discussion of summer activities.

My summer?
I had so many plans, and I failed miserably
 to execute even the smallest task on my list.

Yes, I traveled a bit and read a few books. 
I have enjoyed lunch and tea with friends. 
I have celebrated weddings, births and anniversaries. 
There were experiments in the kitchen, in the garden, 
with my writing and my paints.
Dinner invitations were accepted and dinner parties held.
I browsed galleries, museums, bookstores and estate sales.
I have made a few new acquaintances, reconnected with old friend and
 accepted that to at least one my name and face is no longer remembered.
I have laughed  a lot and shed only a few tears.
I survived the record heat and two weeks with a rationed water supply.

I have lived
regret not a wasted moment.

I still have a weekend remaining and my children will be here for a quick visit.
The perfect ending to a good summer.

And I am blessed.

Art:  A Young Lady Reading in an Interior
George Goodwin Kilburne
English (1839 - 1924)


  1. Hello Bonnie:
    All that you describe here is, as far as we are concerned, living life and living it to the full. What matters is to be aware of every passing moment, as you so obviously are, and to enjoy and make the best of it all.

    We wish you a very successful and prosperous new school year.

    1. Jane and Lance, Thank you, I am anxiously looking forward to a new school year and all the possibilities. Have a wonderful weekend. Bonnie

  2. I think you lived life just as it was meant to be this summer. Enjoy the visit with your children--the "icing on the cake"!!


    1. Thank you Bonnie. Having my daughter home, even for a few hours, truly is the icing on the cake. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Yep, the Fall semester begins next week for me also. My goal for this summer (my first one that was completely mine in 9 years) was to just enjoy the moment...and I am happy to report that is what I did....and it sounds like you did the same...that is a perfect summer.

    1. Danielle, It seems you and I were on the same page this summer. Have a wonderful weekend, and a great semester.

  4. It's always such a bittersweet time of year for me. I think I hear it in your voice too. It does sound like you had a wonderful don't worry about what didn't get done. It's most important to stop and smell the roses. Good luck getting back into the "groove" of things. I know you'll have a great year.

  5. Bonnie... my to do list was ambitious at best and has languished as I just enjoyed the lazy, hazy days of summer. I retired from full time employment on June 30th and had all hopes of putting my procrastinating self on the shelf and becoming the retired dynamo... Oh well, no regrets, just an enjoyable summer filled with family, friends, travel adventures then back to work part time. The smiles of little ones put aside any wayward thoughts of tasks not accomplished. The fresh faces and eager minds ready to begin the new adventure of school make "rise and shine" a cheer rather than a curse! Enjoy your year...Susan

    1. Susan, Thank you so much for visiting. I too am looking forward to my children's smiles and endless chatter. I am also a sucker for paint, glitter and glue. I can't wait to get my hands messy. I hope you have a wonderful year as well. Bonnie

  6. Hard to imagine it's time to start school again. In Va. we have a "Kings Dominion law" tht schools cannot open before Labor Day ... so the theme parks will have workers. In a way, it's nice to hold off the beginning of fall - even artificilly.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Webb, Although many of our schools opened this week, we are only working in our classrooms and meeting at the present. Our children will appear the day after Labor Day. This week was work when you want, next week will be mandatory. Of course, I am the lover of autumn;) Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Came over from the name of your blog and loved this post about LIVING LIFE!!



    1. Jo, Thank you so much for visiting and joining me here. I am looking forward to getting to know you. I will be returning to your blog and browsing more. Have a wonderful weekend! Bonnie

  8. Sounds like the perfect way to spend your summer. How delightful!

  9. What a beautiful post, Bonnie, and what a full Summer ! I wish you a beautiful school year ; it can only be so when you start it with such enthusiasm. About that photo storage, I had to take a monthly subscription to Google and I am not too happy about it, but it seemed the only way as I couldn't load any more photos ; not nice, not nice !xx
