Sunday, August 19, 2012

And the Band Plays On

We haven't quite reached the level of the Titanic disaster....

How wonderful it has been to be able to turn on a water faucet and have running water on demand.  We have been almost giddy.  With the new line and meter the volume and pressure were pumped up to a new level.  To say it has been wonderful is an understatement.

In my mother's words, "there is a price to pay for all good things".

Friday evening it became apparent we had a leak inside the house.  The plumber came in (after hours) and confirmed we had a leak in the master shower probably due to added pressure and volume.  They couldn't come in till Monday.   Water was running across the kitchen ceiling and down the wall between the kitchen and den, seeping up through the floorboards.  We stood watching boards change shades of brown and begin buckling. 

Books were taken out of the book shelf.  The bookshelf pulled from the wall.  Roger was busy pulling off  quarter round from the baseboards and I was beginning to fret because I had a small dinner party planned for Saturday evening to celebrate our children's arrival.  There was nothing left to do but to eliminate the use of water in that area, try to minimize further damage and  carry on.

So what does one do when you have guest coming for dinner,  your house has been turned upside down and water seeping through the floor.  You just deal with it, put away the cookbooks  and go back to the basics.

Roger pulled out the Weber for grilling steaks.

I took care of the sides.

Twice baked potatoes

 Sautéd sugar snaps and young asparagus tips sprinkled with red pepper flakes.

And finished off with Mayan dark chocolate brownies.
Vanilla bean ice cream was optional.

No one noticed the bookshelf on it's side in the middle of the floor as they passed by (wink, wink)  or the towels stuck under the baseboards.   We were too busy laughing and having a grand time with family.  

As our guest left I mentioned swimming goggles might be a nice accessory next time.  You never know what is waiting for you when you enter my front door.  

Tomorrow the plumber will return, hopefully with a crew.   I am sure some carpenters will be following shortly thereafter.

And yes, the band plays on.........

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Nothing was going to overshadow my time with my children.

Have a great week!


  1. Love your spirit . . . best guests, our children take things as they are and the "band plays on."

    I do hope you find the answers to the water . . .

    1. Lynne, Thank you! We had a grand time despite the mess. Friends and family bring laughter to most situations. Plumbers will be here at noon:) We will see how much damage.

  2. Ah, "necessity" is sometimes the "mother of invention". Delicious invention! I hope your problems are quickly resolved. In the meantime, I'm tucking your tale away in case I run into such a dilemma in the future.


    1. Bonnie....Something I read yesterday....if your home is over 50 years old have the main waterline checked. Our house is 50 years old and I didn't have this information three weeks ago.

  3. You do fantastic under pressure!!! I wouldn't mind wearing goggles for such a wonderful meal ;)

    1. Danielle, I am afraid I only put on a good show:) I always try to think of the worst case scenario. If it is survivable....I will be okay.

  4. You are a trooper, Bonnie. What a fabulous dinner you served (and took pictures also) in the midst of disaster. You must have nerves of steel.

    1. Arleen, I don't know about being a trooper. I wait till post event when everyone is celebrating to go away and have a moment. The pictures were quick snaps and added a bit of normalcy to the night. I am really a shaking leaf...I just hide it well.

  5. I love your attitude! My husband could use a band lesson from you!! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and yes I'm taking deep breaths!!

    1. Lisa, Thank you. I hope all is going well with you.

  6. I do think you qualify as a trooper. Panic inside, calm outside, everything run smoothly and with good humour. What a memorable meal, one you will enjoy revisiting in years to come.

    I hope those plumbers are doing a good job!

    1. Elaine, You are too kind. I am sure I will have my moment before this is all over. Thank you.

  7. Will your insurance help? Sounds like you are handling it well, but good grief!

    1. Webb, We are waiting to hear about the insurance. I really afraid they are going to say no. We will see.

  8. Oh my, I feel for you. I know you put on a brave face but what a disaster! At least it isn't the middle of winter with freezing pipes! I hope the plumbers fix the problem soon and your can get back to normal. How are the floorboards doing, will they have to be replaced?

  9. Lana, I have lived through frozen water pipes as fun! We still do not have answers. The floorboards are buckled. I think some of them will need to be replaced. I am hoping some will return to normal when fully dry. We are trying to minimize the damage. Thank you for your kind words. All will be well... The question is when? Thanks again.

  10. I've been through water problems, and they're no fun at all. Sounds like you caught the problem early on, which is a good thing. Good luck to you as you finish the repairs and assess the damage.

    1. Beth, We are keeping our fingers crossed. Thanks! Bonnie

  11. Serving yummy food like this, how could anyone notice the water issues? :) We've been through many "adventures" like this - hope all is worked out soon.

    1. Zuzu, It is so good to hear from you. Yes, what would we do without adventures??? I hope you are having a wonderful week. Bonnie

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. your a sport bonnie, i would have made reservations!!

    i love twice baked potatoes!! i make them often and top them with bacon & green onions!! yummy!!
