Thursday, January 5, 2012

An Ocean at Rest

I've been away.  I spent the week after Christmas at the beach.  I watched  the sun set on another year of my life and another year on the calendar.  I like spending both of these events at the water's edge.  It is a wonderful spot to contemplate what has been as the past slips silently off the edge of the world...

or what can be as a new day rises gently out of the ocean.

I no longer make New Year's resolutions.  It is not that I do not have a lot to improve upon or things I want to accomplish.   I choose to look at changes on a daily basis; it is a daily workout.

One afternoon while sitting near the water I noticed the water was almost perfectly still.  There were no white caps.  The water was neither moving inland or away from the shore.  I suppose I've never thought about it, but there is a time between the ebb and flow when the ocean is at rest.

As I sat looking out over the water I realized I was holding my breath waiting for movement.  I think there is a lesson to be learned.  We try to move through different life stages seamlessly.  We even wear our flexibility like a badge of honor.    I like the idea that nature has built in a period of rest... time to heal, repair, accept change...find our footing again before sending us rushing in a different direction.

Yes, I am another year older, and after a time of enjoying the time between ebb and flow,  I can't wait to see what surprises await.

Happy 2012!


  1. Happy new year, Bonnie!

    I love, love, love being near the water. Where is this beautiful place? Where did you stay?


  2. What a lovely way to spend the last days of the year and to celebrate your birthday. It's warm enough here for me to hit the shores of Lake Michigan, not to swim but to celebrate. I can't remember ever having no snow by now--in fact, lots of snow.


  3. Beautiful photos...Freat holidays!!!
    Nice to find your blog!

  4. Sorry: GREAT Holydays

    I apologize for my poor English!

  5. Beautiful, beautiful photographs, Bonnie, and a great philosophy! I wish you a happy, healthy and creative 2012.

  6. Bonnie, I am amazed how warm it is everywhere. I hope you have the chance to enjoy the nearest shore. Hope you enjoy the nice temperatures as long as possible. Hugs! Bonnie

  7. Blue Shell, Thank you so much for visiting. Your English is fine. I look forward to getting to know you better. Bonnie

  8. Rosemary, Thank you! I look forward to continue our corresponding in the New Year. Hugs, Bonnie

  9. There's an award for you over at my place. ;)

  10. gorgeous photo's bonnie....we're not getting older, we're getting better, between the ebb and the flow!!

  11. That is a lovely beach, a nice place to spend the New Year. Happy New Year to you. Sounds like you had a really nice one.

  12. Happy 2012 to you too! What a lovely way to welcome in the New Year.

  13. I feel peaceful just looking at the pictures. May all your beginnings be hopeful and your endings be about accomplishments - even if it is just a good nap.
