Monday, January 23, 2012

Here's to the Kindness of Strangers

Several of you have mentioned you were having trouble commenting on my posts.  I think the mystery is solved.  I am not for sure how they knew (I've only mentioned it on.....oh I won't tell you how many sites) about my issue with your not being able to comment here at Living Life.  It seems the problem is with Internet Explorer and Blogger.  Two wonderful strangers emailed the simple suggested of changing a setting from embedded to popup.  I think it might have been the answer.  They both tested by leaving lovely comments and it is working.

Thank you so much Marsha at Marsha's Creekside Creations and Poppy at Poppyjuice.  I hope one day I might be able to return the favor.


  1. I have also been helped by my blogger friends on different issues I have had. We are all in this together and it is so nice when people help us solve these problems.

  2. i have received sooooo much help from dear blogger friends.

    and here's to being able to comment again!!

    fingers crossed....

  3. Yes! It's working now! Thank goodness.

  4. I've never had trouble commenting on your posts but am glad you've solved the problem!


  5. It is so good to see those who have been missing. Arleen, I was so happy to hear from these sweet ladies this afternoon. Bonnie I think it had to do with Internet Explorer. It seemed random to me. Hugs! Bonnie

  6. I am commenting here again, YAY! But....there are still problems going on. Some blogs still go blank and show nothing, and some of us are having issues with adding blogs that we follow. Oh well, one day at a time huh? Hope your week is off to a good one, Bonnie!

  7. It seems like the Internet is one of those places where "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get" or something like that! As much as I love the opportunity to connect, every time someone "upgrades" I have to learn a whole new something. Now it's WordPress - whatever that is!

    Glad you are improved!

  8. Oh dear Webb, what is Wordpress? Is this going to mess things up just as I have things straighten out? Hugs! Bonnie

  9. Teresa, So good to have you back! I suspect more were unable to connect than I thought. Bonnie

  10. Hey Bonnie!
    Thanks for the shout out! Looks like a lot of the old gang is happy to comment with you again. :) Marsha

  11. Hello Bonnie:
    There are such an incredible number of technological wizards out there in Blogland, not that we number amongst them!! We are so glad that your problem has been solved. These technical glitches are so irritating.

  12. Jane and Lance.. I am afraid no one will ever mistake me for a technical wizard either, so I am forever grateful to those who are. I would have never known there was a problem if several people had not emailed me. Once I know something is wrong I have issues with letting it go. Bonnie

  13. Yes, that must have been the problem. It happened on my blog a while back and I changed my settings to pop up also.

  14. It's always something, it seems! Glad you got the answer you needed and good to know in case I ever have a problem. I also prefer Firefox as my internet browser. I've heard it's 'safer' than internet explorer. It's a free download too.

    What a beautiful baby sweater you made!

  15. Bonnie,

    You are more than welcome! You've more than returned the favor by stopping in to say hello!

    Have a wonderful evening!

  16. Hi Bonnie, I've got to try that, I've been having trouble too. I've noticed that many people have switched over to Word Press, which I find to be extremely clunky and un-intuitive. But, eventually that might be the way to go (I originally started with Word Press but quickly switched to Blogger, so I still have a blog over there).

    I need to heed the same suggestions that helped you!

    All the Best,
