Friday, September 16, 2011

Looking Around

Needing a pick me up I took a wellness walk around the yard yesterday afternoon.  It wasn't much of a pick-me-up, strolling among my lovely plants that have turned brown and crunchy from the unrelenting heat and lack of rain.   

I did find a few things smiling back 

wishing me good cheer.

I'll leave you with a glance of what is  holding on for a few more days

cascading over

peeking around

standing up straight

 and hiding in the shadows.


just waking up and

 those taking their final bow.

I hope you find something to make you smile.
Have a terrific weekend!


  1. It is always nice to see some colour in the garden. Have a great weekend.

  2. Your pictures made me smile. :)

  3. i see lot's to smile about here!! i did the same thing yesterday, a walk in nature and i felt so much better!!

    i hope you have a restful weekend, filled with lots of things to smile about!!

  4. You chose some good plants to photograph. I just love blue or purple plants. Those colors don't stand out in the garden, but add coolness and a certain serenity to the all over appearance.

    My gardens still look good, but close up are showing their age. I am almost ready to move on to fall - but not quite yet.

  5. Hello Bonnie:
    How wonderful to have all of this colour and interest in the garden for this time of year. Summer is not, from what you show, entirely over.

    Have a lovely and relaxing weekend.

  6. "Taking a wellness walk" - I love that thought and may have to steal it from you some time. That's exactly what the garden is to me... even when I am weeding or cleaning up, or whatever I end up doing today. It's really the spiritual time for me.

    I love it that when you looked closely there was lots to see. Happy weekend.

  7. Starting Over, My plants are showing signs of aging as well. Most, probably, should be trimmed; I just can't bear taking off the blooms yet. Bonnie

    Webb, You may borrow whatever tag line you would like. I would never think of it as stealing. The garden is a place of solace to me as well. Enjoy working in your garden today. Bonnie

  8. You do still have some beautiful blooms!
    I've been fighting a cold for a couple of weeks now and we are having a rainy fall weekend, which makes me smile. I can hang out in the house, nurse my cold and be happy about the rain soaking into our dry earth. Yeah!

  9. Looks like you still have quite a bit blooming. I really like the light blue flower (plumbago?). I take walks around the yard as a sort of pick me up too.

  10. Looks pretty good to me. Just think soon it'll be brown and we'll be dreaming of the first tiny little crocus to pop up. Glad to see that Monkey Grass made a showing in your garden :) Any little patch of green makes me happy.

  11. Catherine, it is plumbago. It is grown as an annual here. It hasn't performed as well this year as in years past. Thanks, Bonnie

    Julie. I think I could give you some major competition in the amount of liriope in the yard. It is everywhere in my yard. I have to say this year the blooms have been exceptionally nice. Thanks, Bonnie

  12. I enjoy taking walks, helps clear the mind. Richard

  13. My garden is pretty crispy too. Thankfully we got a little rain this past week and it's perked up. I love my walks around the garden too.

  14. Richard, I totally agree. The garden is my cathedral. Bonnie
