Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Help

Everyone knows I do not  almost never go to see a movie adapted from a book I have really enjoyed.

I picked up The Help sometime in early 2009.  I am not for sure what caught my attention.  I may have picked it up to read on a trip.  It may have been the birds on the jacket.  Sometimes I will pick a book much like I choose a bottle of wine, by the artwork.  My thought... if they put money into what you see on the outside, they probably have something worth trying on the inside.  I loved the book.  Being a southern girl, I knew the stories told within the pages of The Help  held the unexaggerated truth and I quickly recognized each character, even though I belonged to the generation of the children.  I loved the book (and vowed to never eat another piece of chocolate pie);  I wanted people to read it and understand what they were really reading.    I gave it as gifts.  I suggested it to friends.  It wasn't until months later the book began to earn a little chatter.  By late autumn it was suddenly the book to read.

When I heard a movie was being made, I groaned.   My only comment was, "They will ruin it".

Today I went to see the movie.  I laughed, I cried and, if it would not have embarrassed my husband,  I would have stood up and cheered, even though I knew what was going to happen before it happened.  While things were left out and there were small things I had forgotten, they did well.   If you are going to just do one, read the book, but I am so glad I broke my hard and fast rule.

Oh, and NO, I am not going to see "Sarah's Key"!  I will not!  I will not!  I will not!


  1. Would you believe I haven't read the book yet. It is next on my list.

  2. That is just one of many, many books stacked on my nightstand, waiting to be read.

  3. I haven't read it or seen the movie either. Someone just told me I must read Sarah's Key! I'd not heard of it before this week. :(

  4. bonnie...i have confessed before that i do not read books. i can not remember from one page to the next, what i have read!! so sad but true, very difficult to admit.

    i am always so happy when i read about your love of a good book, it is wonderful!! i am going to see the movie, next time it rains and i am pretty excited!! i have been told it is amazing!!

  5. Hello Bonnie:
    We know exactly what you mean about films breaking themagic of a book that one has read and loved. We rarely find that we feel the same about the book and its film version. At times we prefer one over the other and, on occasion, the film wins hands down.

    Where have we been as we have not heard of 'The Help'? But, we shall rectify that when we can.

  6. This is one of the books I would really like to read, I have about 3 books waiting to be read at the moment. I have heard only good things about it.
    The film isn't out here in Scotland yet but will definately go and see it when it comes out. Glad you enjoyed it.
    Sarah's key, not heard of that one. I must go and find out. Aargh another one for my list lol.

  7. How wonderful! I will look for them both! :)
    And thank you for sending me a hug.
    ~ Zuzu

  8. This was an excellent adaptation. If you have not read the book, I would actually recommend seeing the film first, and then read the book.

    Am so glad the worst of those days are behind us, just wish we could move faster.

  9. Webb, I am so glad you enjoyed both venues. The acting was wonderful. I loved Sissy Spacek, and what a joy to see Cicily Tyson. I, too, and happy to see that era over, but there is so much more to do. Maybe one day. Bonnie

  10. I read The Help in August and absolutely loved it. (I plan on posting my review in a couple of days) I'm taking myself to the matinee tomorrow to see it and am so glad to hear I won't be disappointed!
