Monday, September 12, 2011

How Did I End Up Here?

I am the type of reader who is compelled (driven) to finish one book before I pick up another.  I really am somewhat OCD.   It is just the way God made me.  With that said how is it I find myself reading three books and trying to knit a baby sweater at the present?

First the knitting doesn't bother me so much; I love to knit and watch football (have I mentioned I love it!) or the latest recorded Masterpiece Theater.   I really am a little crazy with three books vying for my attention though.   Here is what happened.

Before school started back I downloaded The Sisters, Mary S. Lovell on my nifty Nook knowing I had my trip to Chicago in front of me.

The Sisters is the story of  the six Mitford sisters who each walk their own path.  One flirts with Hitler and one with communism.  One becomes a duchess and is reviled while another becomes a renown author.   You might think you are reading fiction as you are drawn into their eclectic lives.  I doesn't get any better than this.

I hadn't ventured more than a quarter of the way through it's  640 pages when visiting Left Bank Books, in Saint Louis, my son-in-law hands me  Bill Peschel's Writer's Gone Wild and tells me he thinks it is something I would enjoy.

I think my son-in-law has discovered I have a bit of a quirky side (I don't show it to many and not very often).  Anyway, I opened the book, read the the first sentence of the introduction and laughed out loud.  Oh yes, this book was going home with me.   Of course, I had to open it and start reading it once settled on the short flight back home.  This is a book filled with wonderful stories about some of our most prolific authors' sometimes bawdy escapades.  I have not found one boring moment between the covers.  Gratefully it is not a book you have to read at one sitting.  I find myself searching out some of my favorite writers and reading their mischievous tales.

My third book is my book group's September read, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer.  As soon as the last person left and dishes were washed and put away I downloaded this one and thought I would just check it out before going to bed.    I didn't want to put it down.

This is a story of a nine year old boy, Oskar, desperate to learn about his father sets out to find the lock matching a key he finds hidden in his father's closet.  His father, a jeweler, died September 11th in the World Trade Center.  Oskar's trek takes him through the boroughs of New York and into the lives of an eclectic group of people, all survivors in their own way.  He heals and is healed along the way.

While I found this book powerful, it is a little difficult to read.  It is not a book to put down mid chapter and later pick up where you left off.   There were a few chapters I wasn't sure who was speaking.

Extremely Loud... is more about a boy trying to come to grips with his own feeling of quilt than it is about 9/11.  It is a book that will have you laughing and crying at the same time.   I fell in love with Oskar;  his "heavy boots" broke my heart.

To be honest I will finish this book in a few minutes.
 I will be down to two.

I hope you are reading something good,
 and may your "boots always be light".

images: barnes and noble and pinterest


  1. I've read 'The Sisters' it's a fascinating book. Not heard of your other books though. I've just finished 'Kane and Abel', took me ages to read. Now I have to chose what's next.

  2. I love your boots!

    The Sisters sounds interesting to me. I may have to pick that one up once I am done with Sarah's Key (an amazing book).

  3. I have just finished all my summer reading and am ready to start looking for books to read in the fall. You have given me some good ideas.

  4. those boots are amazing....i have always wanted to do that!!!

  5. All three sound good. Just got set up to download from my public library - for free! - so will look for them. thanks.

  6. Starting Over, Always my pleasure! I would love to hear about your summer reads.

    Webb,I really need to figure out how to download from the library. I do love the library! Thanks so much for commenting. Enjoy reading!

  7. I don't get a chance to read much. But over the summer I picked up three that I'm in the middle of. Then there is the book from last summer that I only read when I'm traveling solo which is virtually never, so I'm in the middle of that one too. My tally is I'm reading 4 books right now. Yikes!

  8. Julie, I did not have the time read as much as I would have like when my daughter was growing up. I time was for her and her activities. I so understand what you are saying. I would always to try to steal a few minutes in the early morning and late evening. Oh, carpool line was the perfect spot to read as well. I love short stories, because you can usually finish one when you have little time on your hands.

    Four books....I would totally be over the edge. I am now down to two.

    Love hearing from you, Bonnie

  9. I too read Extremely Loud and I loved it. I also have his other book Everything is Illuminated. He's a brilliant novelist.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. Now I'm off to check out more of your wonderful blog.

  10. I have to get back on the reading wagon. I think I will go to the library and take out Writers Gone Wild. The boots by the front door make such a lovely picture. Very pretty!!

  11. Oh my! I could not read three at once. I'd end up mixing them together into one. :)
    Enjoy them all, Bonnie!

  12. Hi Bonnie... I think Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close sounds fascinating, but perhaps not a book to be read when you're feeling fragile?

    I love your blossoming boots by the door, but find myself wondering if the blossom was just put there for the photo, and whether the wellies were filled with water... and if so, how long did they take to dry out ;-)
    Jane Gray

  13. Jane, Extremely Loud is very very good. I do enjoy a book where the hurting helps to heal others and end up finding redemption.

    I would guess the blossoms in the boots was for a picture or a gathering, perhaps? I sometimes put branches in containers without water. Loved hearing from you! Bonnie

  14. I've just finished Colm Toibin's 'Brooklyn' which I thought was quite excellent. He is a first rate storyteller, deceptively simple and emotionally gripping. Now I've started on 'The Stranger's Child' by Alan Hollinghurst, which is so far proving very annoying, - a 21st century voice trying to be E M Forster plus pilfering from Atonement.
    I love your Ardizzone image.

  15. Rosemary, I skimmed "Brooklyn" a few years ago and didn't purchase it, I will certainly add it to my list. I picked up a book last summer that I felt was very close to plagiarizing another author. I was amazed how uncomfortable it made me feel. Thanks for your comment....I always love to hear what others are reading. Bonnie

  16. I usually can only read one book at a time. Sometimes when I first get into bed I will read something "light" or non-fiction that I can put down and pick up again at any time without having to remember who is who. I guess maybe that would be considered book #2 but I don't think it counts. If I really get into a good book I can't hardly put it down until I am finished. Will spend two entire days reading it to finish sometimes. Having too many books to read, isn't that just the best problem we could ever have??

  17. All of those books sound fun and intriguing! I can see why you have (or had) three going! I too, can only read one book at a time, but right now find myself reading two. I honestly cannot remember the last time, if ever, that has happened before.
    Happy reading!
