Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Shared Trickets

Yesterday as we returned from our Mardi Gras parade I handed out cups for the children to put their beads and doubloons in to carry home.  As I went around helping each child put their treasures away one of my boys, holding a handful of doubloons, looked up at me and said, "Miss Bonnie I don't have any beads."  I replied back, "But look at all your coins."  He seemed happy enough, but I was not.  When one of our volunteers, who happen to be one of my moms, walked into my room, I ask if she could find a few strands of beads for my little friend.  She left the room to help me.   As I turned around this is the conversation I overhead:

P. said to M., "I don't have any money (doubloons)"
M. replied, "You can have some of mine."
P. placed the coins in his cup and said, "Here M. you can have some necklaces."

I was humbled by their cooperation and generosity.

I love what get to do each day!


  1. Sounds like you are really good at your job. It is evident that you love what you are doing.

  2. So, so sweet! Seems like you have some especially sweet boys in your classroom this year - I noticed it when I visited too.

  3. Cooperation in action is wonderful to see, especially when it's done as willingly as you describe here, Bonnie

  4. Isn't that sweet. It's amazing what kids will do on their own. I've been very impressed with the kindness I've seen from my daughter and her friends in certain situtations without any adult intervention.
