Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Here is where I usually insert a thought provoking quote that I have pulled out of my quote notebook, or some other random place, hoping it will somehow tie into what I am writing.  However, I just do not have the energy to go find the notebook, nor the inclination to search for something thought provoking at the moment.  Besides, I am not for sure I could find anything appropriate.

I will start at the beginning.  Last summer when the sprinkler system was repaired the plumber told us the pressure seemed really low.  To take care of the problem they would  probably need to replace a valve.  So, I ask the obvious question, "Where is the valve?"   The plumber said it would be in the front, near the house.  It is in a box in the ground.  This is where I looked at Roger and tried to send a telepathic "oops".

Once the plumber left, I reminded Roger that there was a box that was covered when we had the front beds extended many years ago.  I assured him I was "almost" positive I could locate the valve box.  

Fast forward:  We are getting ready to have our front landscaping redesigned for reasons I won't bore you with now.  Anyway, it seemed to be a good time to have a plumber come in and work on the water pressure issues.  I will go on and put in another "oops" right here.

I started digging up plants at 8:00 this morning.   At 2:00 I had filled my second wheelbarrow, and decided to take a break because the temperatures seem to be rising, both physically and metaphorically.

in the shade

The plumber came this morning.  He told me where the valve box should be.  Roger told me where he remembered it to be.  I say they are both wrong.  If I am right, I will share with you why.  There is a reason I think I know where it is, besides that I have already dug in both places and no valve box.   I still could be wrong.  I'll let you know.

Right now I'm going out to transplant all the Japaneses Painted Ferns, Pachysandra and my Heuchera I so proudly boasted had returned.  "Pride cometh before the fall".


  1. Will Bonnie ever find the valve? Will the low water pressure be resolved? Will the plants survive the move? I love a good cliffhanger!

  2. Ha! I love a cliffhanger as well; I just prefer to be the observer. Tomorrow is another day. Stay tuned!

  3. Can't wait to see if you locate it, and if YOU are right! Also, I just saw your comment on my blog about my book club and I'm curious...what book are you reading?

  4. Karin - I'm trying to motivate myself to go back out there this morning. I'm actually reading two books right now. For Book Belles I'm reading "Isaac Newton"; for fun I'm reading "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand" (sweet story). Hugs!

  5. It's like I'm dying to turn the page!

    Did you throw the box out? :)

  6. Yes, what will happen. I envy your enthusiasm for gardening.

  7. I hope you can find it before you have to dig many more plants up. I can't believe it's that warm there already. We barely get that hot in the middle of summer. Good luck finding the valve box.

  8. Before long, you'll have the whole yard dug up and won't need a landscaper!!!:)

  9. Sarah, I'm anxious to find the answer as well.

    Ann, I have an obsessive personality. I become overly enthusiastic about everything I do. It can really be irritating, I am afraid.

    Catherine, I have in fact removed almost everything. But they have been, I think, successfully transplanted in the back.

    Suzy, two and a half days of digging has just about taken me to my knees (no pun intended). I'm over it!

    Thanks, for all the comments friends.
