Friday, February 4, 2011


"We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other's opposite and complement."
Hermann Hesse (Narcisse and Goldmund)

I have been fortunate to be  blessed with many friends through the years.  They have entered my life at different times and in different ways.  Some have left.  A few remain.  I have three cherished friendships that span decades.   I have never really figured out the formula for two people actually becoming and remaining close friends, but I do know sometimes it just happens.

One of my dearest friends recently found my blog.  After reading it she wrote on my facebook page...

"So I never knew you had a blog and now as I read it, I began to wonder how we became such good friends??? LOL!!! As I read your blog, I thought how totally different we are but I guess it is true! Opposites attract, ...."

I responded by writing, "I thought that was why we were such good friends."  We have been good friends for almost 26 years; I have never given a thought of how different we might be.  We may be opposites and I am okay with it.

She is contemporary ... I'm a traditional eclectic
She plans ... I "fly by the seat of my pants"
She goes to see the movie ... I read the book
She sees numbers...I see colors

Together we solve the problems of the world and plan great parties.

I don't understand the chemistry; I know it works.   We all bring something different to the table in friendship, marriage,  And it works.  It just does.

We may be different in some ways, but we are friends.  And, I am blessed.


  1. I'm constantly reminded by my friends and even my husband how opposites do attract. I think we learn and grow by being surrounded by traits that are not in us. When I want to be loud and wild, I call my wild friend, when I want to get into a good conversation, I call my more conversative friend...we compliment each other. The pieces make the whole....
    I feel blessed too and I'm happy that you feel blessed as well ~
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I think that it is how we are alike that we are attracted to people and become friends. I think it is the differences that keep those friendships interesting and growing.


  3. How true your friendship observations are. I have friends that are so different from me yet we get along famously. Nice post!!

  4. Bonnie, I'm never sure where to answer questions asked on my blog. So, I'll just come back here and let you know that it's an orchid in the Ma Made tin. We live fairly close to one of the largest orchid growers in the continental U.S. My luck with orchids is spotty and I don't know why some do better than others. I can usually get them to live and produce for two to three years. I love them!!

    Back to the blog question: I notice some people answer the questions in their own comments section, some e-mail. I don't know if there is a proper way??!!

    Have a great weekend.


  5. You and I happen to fall on the same side of the coin...
