Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just Biding My Time

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter."  Rachel Carson

Last night the temperatures dropped once again reminding us winter is not ready for her final curtain call.  I have truly tried to remain patient.   I know, if I join the majority begging for an early spring,  I will so regret it come August.  While it is winter that refuses to let go of her grip in the north and northeast, it is summer that often brings the south to its knees. 

Trying to heed my own advice to wait until I am sure it is safe to start planting I look for other ways to sate my gardening appetite.  This morning , with a jacket on and coffee cup in hand I headed outside for a quick wellness tour.   Everything looked okay.  I needed more.

I opened up the newspaper and found my answer, The Gardening Show.  Within the hour Roger and I were dressed and out of the door.   I remembered to grab my tote bag  and my camera.  I leave you with some spring daydreams.


my very favorite
you know I so loved this  


There was so much more, but the crowd and the professional photographers kept getting in my way.   What were they thinking?

Oh, and...

Smokey begged to have his picture taken with me...

What fun!

I didn't come home empty handed...

                                                       but that's another post!


  1. Have you been into Wordsworth books lately? They have so many amazing bird and garden themed goodies that made me think of you. Oh my gosh I LOVE that place!

  2. Those beautiful plantings make me want to get outside and garden. We had a bit more snow yesterday. I am grateful because the more snow, the better the spring it seems. My mother always said to plant after the middle of May. That was a rule in Virginia. I'm not sure about here but follow her rule anyway.


  3. When I see displays like this, I wonder why they can't be there all the time--they look so beautiful.

    You'll have an earlier spring than we will, Bonnie, so I look forward to living vicariously for a few months. Good luck!

  4. Vera, Wordsworth is a wonderful place to waste away the hours. I haven't check out the gardening section lately.

    Bonnie, You may actually be in the same plant zone. It kind of makes a little sense.

    Charlotte, I do love looking at the displays for inspiration. My garden never quite measures up. Of course, I do not have unlimited resources nor do I have a league of gardeners.

  5. I love seeing pictures from garden shows from other places. I love the plantings in these pictures. The fence by the stone bench is so pretty and rustic. Thanks for the tour!

  6. Lovely quote & beautiful blog here! Your garden show looks great, I bet there were just tonnes of ideas there!
