Sunday, February 6, 2011


"If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment."  Henry David Thoreau

When I sit down to write I never know what direction I am headed.  I usually have something in my head, but once I start organizing sometimes  something else pops in to say hi.  I suppose I am a lot like the little mouse in the children's book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

This morning I was going to write about this "can of worms" I opened late yesterday afternoon...

my play room
but as I sat alone by the fire I began thinking of  dreams.   I am not talking about the dreams you have when you are asleep, but the hopes and dreams we all have for ourselves, our families and our friends.  A dream of something that will bring  joy or security.  Something that we think will make us happy and change our life for ever.

This year I have had several friends watch their dreams  wait listed or detoured.  And my heart hurts.  It is hard watching someone you care about hurting and lost.   At first I listen, hold a hand or give a hug, and once alone, I cry.

 I truly believe we are a hopeful people.  We dream big, and in time, bounce back opening ourselves to new ideas and hopes.   Being an optimist and a person of faith, I do believe when our dreams are dashed, we are being led to our real destiny if we only dare to look at a dream a different way.

Much like a garden, dreams may wilt and die back allowing  winter to take her icy hold, but given protection and properly tended they will bloom again, maybe altered, giving us the most beautiful spring .  We may not forget the flowers from yesteryear, but we find promise in what is yet to come.

 Dream my friends...dream big, but remember as you sit pondering and planning, be open to whatever may pop in to say hi.


  1. I LOVE this post!! Thank you for your wise words! (though... is it wrong that I am dreaming of and hoping for a SCHOOL day - instead of a snow day - tomorrow?! Ha ha)

  2. What good advice to remember and hold near, Bonnie! It's a good reminder that sometimes the best thing for you is not what you wished for, but what came along while you were wishing.

  3. Sage advice, Bonnie! I think you are a truly good friend.


  4. Beautiful words Bonnie and well said. I can feel the peace that settled over you as you sat by the fire. It was just what I needed as I watch the day pass by with my 'to list' still untouched :)

    Jeanne xx
