Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Southern Snow

This week the area meteorologists have been hinting that it is going to snow this weekend.  The first of the week they said there "might be a chance of winter precipitation".  Later in the week they actually used the word... "snow"... just as the temperatures started rising.  Yes, rising!

In this area we normally have at least one snow.  Sometimes it even sticks for a day or two.  Every few years or so we get a really good snow.  One that keeps us at home for a day or two, sometimes longer.  The anticipation brings out the child in all of us.

I don't know if the weather guys enjoy toying with our emotions, or if they are afraid of setting off a stampede at the grocery store.  You see, it snows so seldom in the south it is not fiscally responsible to have the equipment to clear streets, and we southerners are terrified of running out milk and bread.

Will it snow?  I  don't know.  I just checked the local weather blog; it says we should get around two inches tomorrow night.  I am ready!  I have three books waiting to be read and wool for knitting.

What can I say?  One woman's milk and bread is another woman's books and and wool.

By the way, no worries,  I also have a quart of milk and at least a half loaf of bread.

I'll keep you posted....


  1. Oh my word, I am about to go grocery shopping, just because it's that time of the week, and I am DREADING it! When I tell my Wisconsin cousin how Arkansans act at the mention of snow, it cracks her up - they have FEET of snow on the ground all winter long. Hopefully when I get to Kroger, there will still be some bread on the shelves ha! The girls are fervently keeping their fingers crossed for a snow day Monday - and I am too!

  2. We're expecting snow here too in the midwest - we are pros in carrying on in knee deep snow but I'm not saying I'm looking forward to it! Last year we didn't see the ground for months and it was trying, to say the least.
    We usually have our cellars stocked from Sept to May!
    Have fun...a rare treat to be enjoyed!

  3. I'm looking out on a clean blanket of snow myself today, Bonnie. And thinking that I need to go to the grocery store, too--we're out of salad fixings, never a good place to be.

    I hope you get a snow day out of this!

  4. I hope you get the opportunity to read those books and knit that wool. I definitely think you have your priorities in order.

  5. Hope you got your much anticipated snow! Some reading and knitting time would be perfect~

    I grew up in snow country but now live on the Oregon coast where it seldom snows and any mention of it sends people to the grocery store just like in your neck of the woods. It completely cracks me up!
