Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Curiousor and Curiousor

This past Saturday Roger and I spent three lovely hours browsing the bookstore.  I roamed the aisles checking in on favorite authors and checking out new releases.  I walked around with several books in hand only to return them to their shelves later.  I ended up walking out with hard copies of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (oh, don't get me started.....) and "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass".

I am not for sure why, but for several months I have been wanting to reread "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".  I read it as a child and, of course, saw the Disney movie.  I think once you see the movie it is hard to remember the words of Lewis Carroll.

Last night, having just finished a book I really enjoyed, and knowing I had a book reserved at the library waiting to be picked up, I opened up "Alice's Adventures..." and started reading.   No matter how hard I tried, my mind kept wandering.  I looked at Willie curled up next to me...looked back at the book.   Okay, I'm a little embarrassed here; I started reading out loud.  I really think my sweet pup thought I had gone absolutely mad.  I think he even raised an eyebrow before grunting and going back to sleep.  I have to be honest, I totally became lost in Alice's world.  Reading it aloud was so much better than reading silently.  I only wish my children were old enough to sit and  listen to it. 

I finally got sleepy and could not  read further.  I turned out the light, and, as far as I can remember, fell sound asleep.  I woke up when I heard a loud bang, as if  something had fallen.  I was awake, but no matter how hard I tired, I couldn't open my eyes.  And, I was sleeping on back with my legs criss-crossed, just as I have my children sit in circle time.  Once I opened my eyes, I started smelling meat frying (I do not fry meat).  I still could not straighten my legs.  It was as if I was trying to untangle  rubberbands.  I was becoming a  little distressed.  Finally I was able to kick one leg out from underneath the covers and the other followed; I could stand.  I couldn't figure out what the frying smell was all about.  I convinced myself the loud bang was our morning newspaper being thrown against the front door, but, with my heart racing, I headed downstairs to check out the smell.  Feeling a bit shaky, I grabbed onto the banister and started tiptoeing  down the stairs.  Just as I reached the last step, my alarm started buzzing.

I opened my eyes, reached over and slapped the button down on my alarm clock, smelling nothing but the cotton sheet pulled over my head.  I have to admit I was feeling a bit off balance, but relieved to find myself curled up, laying on my side.

I think we will skip " Through the Looking- Glass" tonight.

This afternoon I spent some quiet time at the library.   Oh, what adventure shall I have tonight?


  1. I'm just wondering...how do you find books at the library? I go to the library quite often (it's right around the corner from my office), but I always have a hard time finding a book. I guess it's just overwhelming. I've even tried going with a list, but it seems like they rarely have anything on my list.

  2. So sorry for being so late in responding. Before going to the library I start on the computer. If I have a specific title, I check all the branches, reserve it and have it sent to the branch closest to me. Once it arrives I go to pick it up and spend some time browsing for other books to take home. I hope this helps. Like you, if I just randomly go to the Library, I seldom find what I want.
