Friday, June 28, 2013

The Heat Is On

The heat is on... could be hotter; last year we were hitting 110 and above by the end of June. is cooler in the garden.

...somethings need the heat to show up at the party.

...there is always a favorite chair waiting for a cool escape.

...and when you haven't selected your next book,

...a stack of interesting magazines to peruse.

Today's high shouldn't exceed 94.
We'll see!

How are you escaping summer's heat?


  1. It is going to be a scorcher here in Kansas also! I peaked an issue of Gardens & Guns magazine. Isn't it a fun magazine? Stay cool!

  2. It's not so bad here but I'm escaping to Rhode Island just in case.


  3. Garden and Guns? Seriously? Must search one out for a peck. Sadly it's cool and cloudy on Vancouver Island this week. Which I actually prefer to your temperatures. Hope you have a relaxing, cool weekend!!

  4. We had a few days in the 90s with high humidity but fortunately the heat has backed off a little. I've seen some great images from Gardens & Guns on Pinterest. I'll have to look into subscribing for a year to check it out.

  5. Dear Bonnie - sounds like it is really getting warm where you are. Very humid here but not hot. Finally got rain. Your magazines look like my kind of reading. Have a great week-end.

  6. Yikes! . . . Are you prepared for a summer of HOT?

  7. Love, love, love your chair, Bonnie! Looks like a perfect reading spot. Stay in and stay cool!

  8. I like every one of those magazines!!
    Smiles, Dottie

  9. Fortunately i had enough work to do today that i didn't get outside until nearly dark - to cut the grass! Your chair looks perfect. Hang out there for a couple more days!

    Sharing your concern about comments thru Bloglovin. Am having to 'go to original post' to do it, and am not sure that will be an option come Monday... we shall see....

  10. Each year is harder for me. I have trouble with this heat. I should not complain as it is not as bad as some others, but it is difficult. I love to be outdoors and try to do it as long as I can (usually for 8 to 12 am). I hate what we have done to our earth.

  11. Staying inside and enjoying air conditioning! And a good book and a glass of iced tea. I love the evenings on these hot days, they are just perfect!

  12. I sure know the heat down this way Bonnie, though not right now. It's winter here, but we've been having 55-64 degree days - almost balmy! Don't run out of reading material, whatever you do!

  13. We spent the weekend in Connecticut, the high today was 73!! My kinda temps!! Love the red bellied!!

  14. 110 and above? Now that's hot! Even 94 is pretty steamy. We're having a cool summer so far, but the weekend is lovely.

  15. Good morning Bonnie!

    First of all, the new format for reading blogs (the disappearance of Google Reader) is for people who were using it as their feed.....I still don't understand all of that but I found out I never used Google Reader, so if you didn't use it but rather got new blog posts through a URL, you should be fine. Bloglovin' is provided now for those bloggers who are going through the change and to give them the ability to read new posts...OH, it's too confusing to even explain in writing!

    I love your idea of a peaceful, summer afternoon. I see you know POETS and WRITERS magazine! I was encouraged by a teacher to submit a piece that I wrote to this magazine. And your heat levels! I know that kind of heat, having grown up in Los Angeles! Our Minnesota summers can also get that hot, but for now, we are enjoying cool breezes.

    Thank you so much for coming by, Bonnie! Have FUN!!!!!!

  16. We've seen some terrible images in the last couple of days. I hope that you are safe. Jx
