Saturday, June 1, 2013

Plans Derailed

I had plans today.
 After storms passed through the state Thursday evening, we had a beautiful albeit humid day yesterday.  We sat outside into the night planning our saturday strategy.  The meteorologists were predicting rain and possible storms moving in during the afternoon. 

Our plan was to go to the Farmer's Markets early early to allow time to work in the garden before the weather changed.  I have  a garden border needing attention and containers pleading to be filled.  Roger had his own plans.   I woke up at 5:45 to the sound of rain against the windows.

"Best laid plans!"  

Checking the radar we decided we probably had time before the really bad stuff hit to make it to the Farmer's Market.   We stopped for our usual coffee and headed across the bridge to our favorite group of farmers.   The weather kept a few away, but we were still quite successful.

Squash, beets, purple hull peas

farm fresh eggs, and my favorite

one of the few things I like about summer.

We had just put the last purchase in the market bag when both cell phones went off simultaneously; severe thunderstorms were in the area of our home.  We headed home knowing Willie was probably hiding upstairs scared.  The severe storms didn't develop, but we have had a day of rain with a few rumbles here and there keeping us inside.

A perfect day for opening a book!

My thoughts and prayers are with all those in Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas who have lost so much during the past few weeks due to severe weather.

Stay safe everyone!  


  1. Bonnie, it sounds like a day to stay in and relax. I love the farmers market, everything taste so much better.

    The storms have been terrible! I worry all the time as my I in laws are in Missouri and in their late 80s. They do very dumb things, like get on the roof in the storm and put a tarp on the house after a tree hits the roof. God love them but they will not slow down.

    I hope you enjoy your weekend. Do you have pland for your summer holidays?

    Take care, Elizabeth

    1. Elizabeth, Your in-laws sound very much like my own dad. Even with dementia he tries his best to put forth a front of independence. Our daughter lives in Missouri; it sounds like they have had a few tense nights.

      I am not for certain what I will do this summer. I've committed to two weeks of a summer program. I may have the opportunity to take a few short trips, though I am looking forward to staying home and working on a few things I've neglected. Thank you for asking.

      Enjoy the rest of your weekend. And, be safe. Bonnie

  2. Hello Bonnie! You too, you have had enormous amounts of rain? We have had 13 days of deluge over a 15 day period, but the gardens are SO GREEN, and we love it, as well as our little resident duck that lives in our front garden!

    Many thanks and WELCOME to you for visiting my home. Anita

    1. Anita, The last two day have been beautiful! They are saying the rain may return toward the middle to the end of the week. I am keeping my fingers crossed the horrific storms that have plagued the middle of the country are over. Have a wonderful week. Bonnie

  3. Yum, yum, yum! You feel better just visiting a farmers market, even if you don't buy anything; but then, who can resist such splendid looking food?

    1. I am big believer in eating local and seasonal food. I can never resist.

  4. Happy you arrived home safely from the storms. The spring weather brings welcomed showers to many of us and such chaos to many, many others. Unimaginable changes they will have to endure.

    The strawberries look tempting . . . A trip to the Farmer's Market today is my plan as well . . . although the strawberries aren't quite ready here for us to enjoy . . .

    1. Oh Lynne, your strawberries are just ripening and ours are on their way out. I may have one more week. I've already put up my jam. Next blackberries and peaches.

  5. Farmers-markets are one of my favorite things also. I have not been since the late fall. I will change that next weekend.
    God keep you safe,Dottie

    1. Dottie, It is an every Saturday event....even in the rain. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Nothinf says summer like the opening of the farmers' market. Have been disappointed to see fewer sellers at our closest one, so shall go farther afield next week. Mitchell will be traveling, so i may emerse myself in veggies for a few days.

    Wish we had gotten some of your rain. We have a better chance tonight, but i can already see it drying out. Will be hooking up a timer to my sprinkler very soon, i fear.

    Enjoy your time away from school - refrssh and regroup.

    1. Webb, We have had an abundance of rain, but I am not complaining. Everything in the garden looks wonderful. Our closest farmer's market is actually vendors who sell the produce, but do not grow it. I prefer the small one where I get to talk to the people growing what I eat.

      Have a wonderful week. Bonnie

  7. Hi Bonnie,

    Glad you both made it home safely AND got a little shopping in at your local Farmers Market. Don't you love those farm fresh eggs? :)


    1. Leslie, Fresh eggs are amazing. I always save the green and blue one till the end. I love just looking at them. Have a wonderful week. Bonnie

  8. Our Farmers Market is a regular Saturday social event. Everyone catches up on local news.
    I was complaining about the never ending rain but the situation in Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas puts it in perspective.

    1. Susan, We often run into old friends at the market. It is a fun time to catch up. I think most of our bad weather is behind us. I don't mind the rain and thunderstorms, but will be happy when tornado season is behind us. Have a great weekend. Bonnie

  9. oh bonnie, you always make the best of everything!! i love trips to the famers markets, so fun to stroll around and then bring home all your goodies!!

    i just got farm fresh eggs from a neighbor.....i did an entry on what i made with them from pinterest!!

    1. Debbie, I will be checking out pinterest in a bit. Yum, Yum! Hugs! Bonnie

  10. Sorry your plans were disrupted but at least you got to go to the Farmer's Market. We have had lots and lots of rain here, too. Everything is soaked, but oh so green. Love the photos.

  11. Willie hiding upstairs? We had a dog that hid under the house whenever it rained, he was a great big baby about water and THUNDER! I am glad you got those strawberries, they are always sweetest when purchased at the farmers market.

  12. I love Farmers markets, it's a proper treasure trove of treats.Have a happy, non thundery week! Jane xx

  13. Love your photos of the farmers market purchases. I need to go more often as they always have those hard to find ingredients for so much vegetarian cooking. Hope you are enjoying the first week of June!

  14. Bonnie - so glad you stayed safe. Was afraid when I first started reading your blog you had bad storms. Glad it was just rain and hurray - any excuse to read a good book is a blessing!! I will come help you eat those lovely strawberries (LOL)!
