Sunday, October 31, 2010

Unfulfilled Promises or....

It is an absolutely beautiful morning.  It is the kind of morning that holds such promise.  A day for. . .

Pumpkin waffles for breakfast.  Nope, I didn't pick up the pumpkin yesterday.

A little gardening, maybe?   Nope, I didn't make it by the nursery for my flats of pansies.

Putting together a pot of warm spicy chili to enjoy while waiting on Trick or Treaters.    Nope, couldn't make up my mind between white or red -- didn't  shop for that either. 

Today is not a complete loss.  I have a chicken roasting in the oven, a stack of books waiting to be opened, Willie curled up next to me, Roger sitting across from me and leaves calling to be raked.

Oh, I also have a bowl of treats waiting for tonight's costume parade.

It is a beautiful day!

Happy Halloween!


  1. The day seems to have shaken out well, despite the "didn't" dos on your list! The pumpkin waffles were an ambition of mine, too--but then my husband said waffles were too heavy and he wanted his usual breakfast.

    In PA, a favorite local dish is chicken with waffles. It's like creamed chicken over waffles. The single time I've had it--years & years ago, pre-vegetarian days--I was appalled to find that the waffles were regular breakfast waffles, faintly sweet. Yuck!

  2. Charlotte, I've seen several fried chicken and waffle recipes lately. I agree I don't find anything appealing about "regular" waffles and fried chicken. I so admire you for making the choice to be a vegetarian. We have a lot of meatless meals, but I have not fully (and to be honest, probably will not be) committed. Pumpkin waffles another day maybe.
