Monday, October 4, 2010

This Thing Called Blogging

I've been writing my blog maybe five months now.   I'm still not always sure why I continue.    I started, thinking I had all this great advice to pass on.   I've made it through fifty five years fairly successful and unscathed without knowing a lot about anything.  Thus my heading, "Living Life By the Seat of My Pants".   Looking at it now, that seems a little presumptuous.

I stated at the very beginning I am not a writer.   I will never pretend to be.    I am a conversationalist (I hope that is a word); I love to tell stories, but, I do not have the patience to spend the time editing for perfect grammar and structure.  I spend enough time just making sure I didn't leave out a word or two.  And, thank  goodness for spell check.   I  am a preschool teacher.  I am  more concerned with the alphabet, holding a pencil correctly, saying , "I'm finished" in place of "I'm  done" (a pet peeve of mine), trying to get everyone home without anymore bruises than they brought to school,  and most importantly, introducing a lifelong love of learning .   Split infinitives no longer concern me a great deal.  I don't like hanging prepositions, but I'm a Southerner; they  will slip by me.  I pretty much write as I speak.  

I'm not sure where this adventure called blogging will take me,  but I will continue to ramble, unedited, about Living Life.  While everything I do is pretty much "by the seat of my pants", I've changed my heading to simply "Living Life".  And, yes, it is a much blessed life.


  1. I'd love to hear more about your work with pre-schoolers, Bonnie. How did you get into it? What do you love about it? What would you change if you could?

  2. Charlotte thank you for your interest. I actually fell into teaching preschool by accident 21 years ago. I've been fortunate to work with two phenomenal Headmistresses. There is so much I love about teaching. Top of the list would be the children. They brighten the gloomiest day. Your last question takes more thought.

    Bottom line: I've truly got the best job in the world. At the end of the day, no matter what has happened, I get hugs and I love yous. AND, I get to play with paint and glitter.
