Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bon Appetit

One of my favorite things about teaching is having a child come back to visit.   It is such a treat!

A couple of weeks ago one of my sweet girls, from last year, came to visit me. We had the best conversation.  We talked about her summer, her teacher (a good friend of mine), and what she likes best about her new school.  At the end of our visit I ask what she and her  Mother  were going to do on her day out of school.  Her Mother said they were going to go get something to eat.  I replied, " Bon Appetit!"

My little friend looked up at me with a shy little smile.   I ask her if she had told her Momma about our Bon Appetit; she shook her head.  I explained at snack time, after saying the blessing, I  say "Bon Appetit".  It is my way of saying you can eat now.   It doesn't take long before the children begin saying it with me.  The Mom had a slight look of confusion, but I didn't really think much about it.  I am not for sure when I started saying "Bon Appetit in the classroom, but I have parents tell me their children say it at the dinner table for years after they leave me.  I was a bit surprised S. had not repeated it at home.

Later, before starting dinner, I logged onto my computer to check my email.  I immediately saw I had a note from the Mother who had visited earlier.   After reading her email I understood her earlier expression.

She explained at dinner, after saying the blessing, S. would say, "one cuppa tea".  The Mom ask her why she said "one cuppa tea" after the blessing.  She replied, "because Miss Bonnie says it everyday".   She continued to write that she didn't understand "one cuppa tea",  but thought it must be an English saying; once she heard me say "Bon Appetit" she understood.

I always hope my children will take what I teach and make it their own;  my  sweet girl did just that.

So....next time you eat...may your meal be blessed and "one cuppa tea"

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Ramsey says, "Bon Appetit!" all the time after prayer and before we start eating. He used to add, "That's what Miss Bonnie says." But now I guess he's comfortable enough to use it on his own! He and I will always remember where it came from! We love you!
