Sunday, January 27, 2013

Walking Through the Classics

Winter is the perfect season to become idle.   When the temperatures drop and the wind blows out of the north it is natural to stay inside, build a warm fire, curl up under a throw and grab a book, a magazine or watch a movie.  I speak, because you know I love winter, and where you can find me given the least amount of encouragement.

Shortly into winter January comes around, resolutions are made.  We begin to think of the time when we will be stripping off the heavy sweaters, coats and scarves, all those things that hide the damage done during the winter months.  I watch, try to watch, what I eat all year around....sometimes I watch it jump right out of the cookie jar and into my hand.    Seriously, I do try to be a good shepherd of my body and health.

I am not, however, one who gets overly excited about exercising just to sweat, or to say I exercise.  I need something to keep my attention.  I love walking outdoors when the weather is nice, but I find I spend more time stopping to take a picture of some random growth hidden among the roots of a tree than keeping my heart rate elevated.  I participated and loved organized sports as a teenager, yes I even ran, but find I am not competitive enough today.  So aware that I probably need to get more exercise  I am getting creative...

 There was an AT&T commercial with marathoner Ryan Hall which played during the summer Olympics I was particularly fond of.  You might remember, it showed a runner running through various landscapes while listening to an audio recording of The Odyssey using his AT&T service.  The ad ends as he continues to run and begins Moby Dick.  This started me thinking (alway dangerous).   Listening to an audio book when driving makes a long trip seem shorter and less lonely.  I often read and walk on the treadmill.  I think I might enjoy being read to while exercising/walking.

When my husband gifted me an iPad for my birthday he downloaded the app "free books".  With this app I have access to over 14,000  classics to either listen to or read.   Using Ryan's commercial as inspiration, I've decided to "walk with the classics".  I am going to lace up the sneakers, plug in the earbuds and spend sometime with some books I've read or wish I had read.  Fourteen hundred books is a lot of walking.

With the 200th year anniversary of the first publication of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, I am beginning with a book I love and find most comfortable.   I'll keep you posted on my progress.

I may finally make it through Moby Dick!

Do you think I might start a trend?
I could become the next exercise guru!
(are you laughing?)

Do you listen to audio books?


  1. oh my gosh!!!!!!! I am half way through Moby Dick..loving it..but taking me forever...I read it at the gym on a stationary bike while my son has swim practice..

    1. Annmarie, I do believe "Moby Dick" to be quite the undertaking. I don't know if I am up to it even in audio form. The readers talk really, really slow. Enjoy your day, Bonnie

  2. I always listen to Audio books. I love it because I can "read" and knit at the same time. Might be better for me to walk while I listen :-).

    1. I was thinking this might also allow me to pick up the needles again. I just found out my God-daughter is expecting a baby. It has been months since I've knitted. Inspire me, please!

  3. Walking through 14,000 books . . . no more Bonnie! Great idea though . . .

    1. Lynne, I'll find more when I finish these....:)

  4. I have never listened to an audio book but have thought about it quite a bit lately for the very reason you just stated. I have an elliptical and have tried to read while exercising but the book moves to much and I can't keep my eyes focused on the same spot, so I've been thinking that audio books may just be the answer to keep my feet moving!

    1. Paula, You should try it. I must admit though. Since I have the book Pride and Prejudice, I have been reading along with the audio. They read incredibly slow. We will see! It does make the time go by nicely. Bonnie

  5. Hello Bonnie:
    We do enjoy walking, and walk a great deal since we do not have a motor car. But that, sadly, is the extent of our exercise. Winter is such a wonderful time for the days can be spent indoors reading, something we do less of in the summer months.

    1. Jane and Lance, We are a nation tied into our cars. When we are traveling I always spend my days walking around the cities. The town I live in is not designed to walk....very dangerous. We even drive to find areas to walk. It is insane. I am guessing you are both quite fit. Bonnie

  6. I really ought to try audio books, I'm not sure about when driving tho', I might loose concentration at a vital moment! Perhaps when walking as, like you, I tend to potter and look rather than stride out! Jane xx

    1. Jane, I usually do not listen to books while driving in the city. On long road trips in is very nice. I feel like someone is in the car with me. Enjoy your week. Bonnie

  7. Moby Dick is such a classic.. great story, and I also like the J. Austin series. I agree.. listening while driving is a great way to pass the time.

    Hope your week is off to a good start!


    1. Leslie, As much as I feel like I should read Moby Dick...I don't know. Have a wonderful week yourself!

  8. Good morning Bonnie. I’ve never tried audio books. My brother, a long haul driver, swears by them. After you mentioned it today I wished you had had one in the car for your long drive home the day the snowstorm struck. I love winter too. We just haven’t had one this year in the south. My inner clock says soups and stews ~ our weather calls for grilling outside.

    1. Lynn, We were in the mid 70s today. We are in the midst of thunderstorms and the temps are dropping behind them. Stay safe.

  9. I have been reading Jane Austen this winter. Again. I love her books.
    Enjoy your walks, Bonnie!

  10. Fantastic idea. I think I may steal it.

  11. It IS a great idea. It might keep me on the elliptical longer than music.

    1. Steve, I find I watch the clock while listening to music. I've increased my walks by at least 3/4s of a mile while listening to audio books.

  12. Many moons ago when my commute to work was a good 45+ minutes each way, I used to listen to books on cassette tapes in my car. It really made the time pass quickly and I enjoyed it. I did use an I-Pod at one point while walking but I found that I got sick of the music very quickly and had to keep changing the tunes. I never thought to do audio books while walking, it sounds like a great idea!

  13. Just think of all the books and miles........

  14. I confess, Bonnie, I can never do exercise for its own sake. I can do it if there's something else going on, like I'm gardening and I don't think about it, or I'm out on a long walk, using my senses.
    For me - and I know I'm in a weird minority - there's absolutely no point straining muscles unless there's some accompanying landscape to apprehend, inner or outer.

  15. That is a wonderful idea! And I can't believe I didn't think of it. Right now, I'm doing Pilates twice a week, and at least two brisk walks. But I'm captivated by the idea that I might catch up on some of those classics I've missed at the same time.

  16. i'm not laughing, i'm not reading anything and i can't concentrate on anything other then that yummy chicken!!

    i have been cooking and loving it!!

    i adore your first image, striking!!

  17. I have a number of audio books - they are great for sending me to sleep! I don't like them out of doors at all as I like to hear the birds or the wind in the trees. They are good for long car journeys however, although not when I'm the driver. If I'm driving on my own I prefer to sing (tunelessly!) I've yet to try them for exercise because I usually jump around to loud music but for tasks such as ironing or sewing they are perfect and time flies by.

  18. Great idea!!! I hope you enjoy your exercise routine more than I enjoy mine. My husband and I would listen to books on tape when we went to visit my son in college. The ride was almost 5 hours long.
