Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Twelve Minute Trip

On most mornings it takes me seventeen minutes to get to school.   My husband was amazed when I shared my route with him.  I take that road, then turn there, take that side street, around the curve,  turn right at the stop sign, down the hill and there is the entrance.  Seventeen minutes!

My return trip home takes a bit longer depending on the time of day.  Seldom does it take me longer than twenty minutes.   If I hit the traffic lights just right I can sometime make it in my seventeen minute time frame.  

So why am I talking about this today?

Oh, the trip in this morning was fine.  I zipped this way, then that,  cutting through the usual neighborhood and arrived with no problems.  The children arrived and we began our day.  

Our letter this week is the letter Q.   Once we finished a little table work, we gathered in circle time.  I ask the children, "What is a question?"  Everyone started talking, but no one could answer my question.  I explained a question is a group of words we put together to get information.   I told them many questions begin with who, what, when, where or how.   I gave several examples then ask the children to raise their hands and ask me a question.

At the beginning there was the expected, "One time" and "My daddy".   I stopped each one and explained a question is used to ask something, not to tell a story.  Soon I was hearing, "When do we go to music?"... "Do I stay for lunch today?" ... "When will it get dark?"...  

I jumped up and began applauding and cheering (in my head I was patting myself on the back).  I was so excited...they got it.... They were really grasping the concept.  With each question came another, then I heard, "Miss Bonnie when can we go out and play in the snow?"  Continuing to clap I said, "Oh that is a marvelous question".

"No Miss Bonnie, look out the window, when do we get to go outside and play in the snow?"

It was not only snowing but sleeting.   Parents began arriving to pick up children with stories of roads becoming treacherous.  Soon we received word school was closing.  Emails went out,  phone calls were made.  

around this corner was bumper to bumper
While waiting for the last of the children to leave, a friend and I discussed the best route to take home.  We planned and left within minutes of one another.  I called my husband to tell him I was leaving school; it was 12:20.   Twelve minutes?  Not quite.  I drove into my driveway at 2:30.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, but there were cars slipping and sliding all around.
I'm happy to be home safely with a fire in the fireplace.

What will tomorrow bring?
I don't have an answer to that question.

I do love winter!

Did you have an adventure today?

Stay safe and warm!


  1. My adventure today is rain, rain and more rain. So much in fact, that we feel like we live on an island,seriously. We have a moat surrounding our house and an overflowing pond behind us.The ducks are simply thrilled. They have called off school here, as well, because many of the country roads are flooded. Now here is MY QUESTION>>> Can I Pleeeeese have those M&M's?

    1. Jeri, What a wonderful question! If I had the M&Ms I would certainly share them with you:) I hope things are drying up a bit in your area.

  2. Is today a school snow day off?

    1. Lynn, Today was back to school. There was a bit of snow and ice on the playground (great for photos); the roads were fairly clear.

  3. As I am writing this, the list of school closings is being listed in a banner on the TV. However, it looks like only rain with possibly some sleet mixed in here. I remember those two hour trips that were full of anxiety and glad that I don't have to make them anymore. However, I worry about my family going to work and will not relax until they call and let me know they got there safely. This is the main reason that I do not like winter.

    Glad you are home safe and sound.

    1. Arleen, It is hard being the one waiting isn't it? I love winter, but ours is very short and most years quite mild. Given the option, I would chose to wake up to snow and a snow day.

  4. Oh my goodness. What a drive that was. I'm glad you made it home safely. Here in Toronto we've had a milder-than-normal winter. The only day we had a real snowstorm was, ironically, the day we were going to the airport to fly south. It was a white-knuckle drive, but we made it out!

    1. Beth, The weather is doing some really strange things this year. We, too, were trying to leave town the morning after our 10 inches of snow and ice. It was touch and go. So glad you made it out.

  5. Hello Bonnie:

    Poor you! But, we have to say that we are so pleased not to have to make such journeys to work any longer. It is such bliss to know that as the snow falls one does not have to go out into it, unless one wants to play!!!!

    1. Jane and Lance, I, too, prefer the playing in snow as opposed to the driving. As I've said above, I would much rather wake up with snow on the ground and know I can stay home in front of a fire with a book in my hands.

  6. What a great story. I bet your class will always remember the day they focused on questions! Jx

    1. Jan, Thank you! We were still practicing our questions this morning. We also took a break to go outside and play in what little snow remained on the playground.

  7. i loved this boonie....what a great way to spend your day, your life. that's the BEST way to teach them and keep them engaged, to make learning fun!!

    so happy the trip home went well. i remember a bump, with a deer, not too long ago. you've had your fill for now!!

    1. Oh Debbie, yes the deer last school year, sigh. Thankfully there was no harm done yesterday, just two hours in the car. Thankfully my new car is a Subaru Outback. It is built to go through snow and ice. I felt very comfortable, if not very bored. Where was my book?????

  8. Fun post Bonnie! The children grasping the question vs. story concept was wonderful, it made me miss my teaching days!

    1. Lynne, Thank you! I suspect you were a wonderful teacher. What did you teach?

  9. Bonnie,

    Great post! Glad you arrived home safely! I've had this happen on more than one occasion .. Happens when we least expect it and sets my nerves on edge!

    1. Leslie, Thank you! So true. When I left home the meteorologist said all the ice and snow would be below us. Ha! Was he wrong! Today was in the mid 40s and sunny.

  10. There is nothing as wonderful as teaching children and them actually learning and understanding the concepts. OMG, what a horrible drive you must of had. I'm assuming it was white out conditions.

    1. Watching the light turn on in the eyes of my little ones is one of my very favorite things about teaching. Actually the precipitation stopped about 45 minutes into my travels. Unfortunately the temperature remained at 29 F keeping everything frozen.

  11. I remember that treaturous snow driving from when I lived in NY. Scary stuff. I usually found the other drivers had no clue how to drive in the stuff. Home with a lovely fire would be where I would want to be too.

  12. Yikes! That's quite a difference from your 17 minutes. I love the story of your kids getting the concept of questions.

    We've had some icy adventures here this week as well. No snow, but temperatures reaching below freezing every night so our wet rainy streets turning to ice. Our little town is built on a very steep hill that slides into the bay and Columbia River. It gets a little bit dicey when it's frozen around here!

  13. I'm just pleased to learn that you got home safely. Those children are lucky to have you, Bonnie. Everyone is slipping and sliding in the snow around Britain today as well.
