Sunday, November 25, 2012

Goodbye Autumn

When we arrived home last evening my backyard looked as if it were on fire.
The maples refusing to change color before I left town last week
had burst into flames while I was away.

We spent the Thanksgiving holiday with our daughter and son.  They
were the perfect hosts, catering to our every whim.   And as
always just spending time with them is such fun.

Saturday we tagged along with them to look for a wreath for their front door.
While we were at the nursery they browsed through the trees and found
their Christmas tree.   For so many years they have accompanied us the day after
Thanksgiving in search of the perfect tree, it was such fun watching them discussing,
comparing and making that final selection.  Traditions change while staying the same.
I suppose that is the way it is meant to be.

While the guys set up the tree, Heather and I continue on our adventure
of supporting the small shops around the neighborhood,
before I got the call it was time for us to leave.

Time is always precious and passes much too quickly.

Even though the maples are only just now putting on their autumn show
it is time to start preparing for Christmas.  I am not one to have everything finished
before the first of December.  I have to move into Christmas slowly.
One might say I enjoy the journey
more than the actual arrival.


  1. Each year I propose to wait until the last day of fall to put up the Christmas decorations and each year I start on December 1. Waiting until the 20th just seems too long!! So, let the festivating begin!!


  2. It is all about the journey for me too. Have a beautiful Monday!
    I loved your heartwarming post.

  3. I like the journey too. It makes me smile when someone says on November 26th . . . "oh, I have all my shopping done, house decorated!".

    I get lost in the memories of years past as each little treasure finds its place.

    Enjoy your journey Bonnie . . .

  4. Thank you for your advice on photo management yesterday - I think I'm sorted now! Jx

  5. Glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving with your son and daughter. Yes -- doesn't the time fly by when you visiting family...I know my time did - I have three sisters and one brother and tried to divide up the time between all of them. Overall, it was a wonderful time.

    Have a great week.

    Yes - I am going into Christmas slowly too.....

  6. It sounds like you had the perfect Thanksgiving.

    I'm with you on savoring the holidays. They're rushed enough.

  7. How wonderful to spend time with your kids :) Time DOES pass quickly .. and it seems to speed up the older I get. I agree that, aside from spending time with loved ones, the best part of the season is the preparation and all the fun activities that lead up to the big day.

    Enjoy your preparation!


  8. I love your last line because it is so true for so many things in life.

    Because I will have the whole family here in three more weeks, I do not have the luxury of moving slowly into the season. However, I told myself that this year I would take the time to smell the holly also.

    Our maples are all bare now, but we still have the Bradford pears and their colors are still awesome.

  9. Bonnie, I'm glad that a celebration that has such meaning for you continues more or less as it has. It's a re-assuring thing, tradition, when that tradition has a good intent.
    I'm glad too you got to see some autumn fire!

  10. Traditions have changed a little here as well. But as long as we're together I don't really care what we do. This time of year could rush by in a frenzy if we let them...I prefer to celebrate the season and let it all unfold my own time.

    Enjoy yourself as this new beautiful season arrives. XO

  11. Bonnie, I enjoy the journey as well. I move slowly into it and am not even close to ready for the big day. But half the fun is getting it all together. I am glad you had such a good time with your kids. Your maple trees must have looked so beautiful!

  12. I'm visiting via Raindrops and Daisies. Your photo of the leaves is stunning. Not a leaf to be found here anymore, being somewhere between greenery and snowfall. I enjoyed reading your profile. I think, perhaps, that you are a writer.

  13. What a lovely photo Bonnie! I have often thought it the shape of the year must seem quite different to the American year than to us. Here, there is nothing between Halloween and Christmas, and we don't make as much of Halloween as you do. To have two big family festivals close together seems strange to me. But fun :)

  14. "had burst into flames while we were away", you have such a wonderful way with words, I love it! What a delight to accompany grown children in following the age-old tradition of "choosing just the right tree". I am heading into the woods this morning to cut a cedar. I miss those days when my little boys would be with me to pick that perfect tree, and then drag it down the hill for me!

  15. no one says things the way that you do bonnie. you always choose the perfect words!!

    i jump right in to christmas and like to be "done" way ahead of time!!

  16. Those blazing colors are beautiful, Bonnie. If I had my way, we would have fall all year long. It is my favorite season. Enjoy while you can.
