Monday, November 5, 2012

Cooking for Angels

I write this post with a heavy heart.
This past week we unexpectantly lost my dear Aunt Nancy.  I spent the weekend with my cousins and their families celebrating her life.

Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of all joy
Whose trust ever childlike
No fears could destroy
Be there at our waking
And give us, we pray
Your bliss in our hearts, Lord
At the break of the day.

My Aunt Nancy was an amazing woman.   You might be thinking, "everyone says that about the deceased".   My aunt truly was amazing.   No matter the hurdles in her path, she seemed to clear them with grace, a smile and her faith in tack.  She is who taught me the glass is always half full.  She had the most beautiful smile and the most loving and generous heart.  She most often showed her generosity and love through food.  She loved to feed those she cared for and those she felt needed nurturing.

Nancy not only loved to cook, she was a wonderful cook.  The years we lived in Nashville we were always invited to her table, and there was always our favorite foods.  She might be frying chicken, but if someone didn't like chicken and preferred ham, there would be ham on the table as well.   She took great joy in pleasing those she cared for.   There was a story going around she would fry chicken and take it out to construction workers building condos across from her home.  

Lord of all eagerness,
Lord of all faith,
Whose strong hands were skilled 
 at  the plane and the lathe.
Be there at our labors,
And give us, we pray,
Your Strenght in our hearts, Lord,
At the noon of the day.

I have so many wonderful memories stored in my heart of the times I had with my aunt.  I always looked forward to spending time with her when we would visit Nashville.  She never lost patience with my following behind her or my chattering.  She  knew how to make a trip to the "Wishy Washy" fun.  

We were living in Nashville when my mother passed away, she called her children and they were at my door within thirty minutes.  She did not leave until my clothes were pressed and suitcases packed.  She then met me at the airport the next morning and accompanied me, my family, my mother's sister and niece to Louisiana.   She never left my side.  If she wasn't taking care of me, she was taking care of Heather.

Lord of all kindliness,
Lord of all grace,
Your swift to welcome,
Your arms to embrace,
Be there at our homing,
And give us, we pray,
Your love in our hearts, Lord
At the Eve of the day.

This weekend while reminiscing with my cousins, I found out she loved to go to mountains to see the autumn leaves.  She loved to travel.  She was an adventurer.   I was overjoyed to find we had so much in common.

My cousins selected the most wonderful photographs to share.  One of my favorite pictures was of her on the back of a motorcycle.  Riding a motorcycle was a longtime wish of hers.   Oh you only needed to see the laughter to know she was having the time of her life.

Lord of all gentleness,
Lord of all calm,
Whose voice is contentment,
Whose presence is balm,
Be there at our sleeping,
And give us, we pray,
Your peace in our hearts, Lord
At the end of the day.

I am absolutely confidant Aunt Nancy is cooking for the angels, enjoying the the leaves turning orange, red and yellow, and hopefully, there is a motorcycle just for her.

Over the past several years we didn't talk as much as we should have.
We kept in touch mostly through my dad.
It makes me sad to think of the world without my Aunt Nancy.

As we made it home through storms I spent them time reflecting on the past,
 my remaining family and
vowing to not lose contact.  
Time and relations are too precious.


  1. Bonnie, I am so sorry for your lost. Having just lost my mother recently I know how tough this can be. How wonderful that you can revive so many memories of her life and share them with us. I hope you are comforted by the beauty of your memories and know that they will live on as a part of you.
    xx Sunday

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your aunt, Bonnie. She sounds like a lovely woman - I think we would all want to be described that way after we're gone. I hope your wonderful memories of her can help you through this sad time.

  3. it's just so painful, for those of us who are left behind.

    she would be so happy to read this entry bonnie, she sounds so much like you!!

  4. Bonnie,

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your treasure aunt Nancy. Of course there are no words at this difficult time, but how wonderful to have so many happy memories of nights around the table or in the kitchen with such a loving a caring aunt. You are blessed to know such a wonderful lady.

    Life is so very precious and everyday things get in the way of spending time with the people we love...thank you for the reminder of what is important.

    I think you are right your dear aunt in cooking for the angels and they are loving it!

    A hug to you, Elizabeth

  5. Hello Bonnie:
    We have been so touched reading this post which is a wonderful tribute to your Aunt Nancy and which, in the words of the hymn you have chosen to reproduce, is filled with such hopefulness and joy.

    At this very sad time for you and for your cousins, we send you all our love, thoughts and prayers.

  6. Aah, Bonnie. You've shown how dying can truly be a time of significant re-connection to the underlying reality of our (temporary) lives.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss, Bonnie. May the wonderful memories carry you through the days ahead. *hugs*

  8. I think that the greatest gift man has is to love and be loved. Some use it sparingly and their lives are minimized and others use it generously, and their lives and those around them are full and content and blessed. Your aunt seems to have been a giver, but possibly never knew how much she gave; she seems to have been a happy person, but probably never knew how very much that impacted others. She made a difference in people's lives that can't be measured. However, all that she gave, her good spirit, her kindness, her generosity, have been passed down to those she loved - and she continues on.

    Your post was so beautiful!!

  9. Hello Bonnie.

    Deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your Aunt Nancy.

    You have paid her a lovely tribute her today.

    Take care


  10. "that special aunt" plays a special role in our lives. We don't have the adolescent disagreements that we have with our mothers and we don't sulk with them. They can guide and lead us without being judgmental. and they can model how to be that special aunt to another generation.

    i grieve for your loss, but celebrate all she gave you.

  11. Hello Bonnie

    So sorry for the loss of Aunt Nancy. May she rest in peace. It is so joyful to read of how Nancy lived her life, full of love and generosity and I am sure she touched many lives.

    Wishing you peace.

    Helen xx

  12. Bonnie: I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your dear Aunt Nancy. It sounds as if you have a treasure trove of wonderful memories and I hope they give you comfort in the days to come and beyond.


  13. Beautiful thoughts, sharing of memories, photos and intimate caring.

    Your "Lord of all . . . " prayer has now been entered with other "keepers."
