Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I know a little about the brain.  When I say I know a little, that is exactly what I mean.  I haven't spent hours studying, nor is it something I am passionate about.  The knowledge I have comes from listening to the man I live with, my husband.  The brain or retraining the brain is his field of expertise; and, although I am probably a bit prejudice, he is very good at what he does.

Now with this knowledge you might be given the impression he
 might marry someone with a high functioning brain.
Someone who is an intellectual, always has something profound to say,
with the memory of an elephant.


So, many of you have ask about the book sale I was so excited about this past weekend.  You know I love spending vasts amounts of time browsing through dusty books others have read and cast aside, looking for that treasure someone mistakenly tossed in the donation pile. 

R. was exceptionally accommodating.  We are usually out of the house by 7:30, stopping for coffee before arriving with the early birds at the farmer's market.   This Saturday we postponed our departure so to time all our stops with the opening of the library book sale.  I made coffee at home, watered plants and checked emails.  Yes, I even checked my notice stating the time 
 of the library's opening.

The farmer's market was crowded; though late we found what we wanted, the first really pretty summer tomatoes, and peaches smelling of the sun.   We left the market with plenty of time for a leisurely breakfast.  We sat outside enjoying an unseasonably pleasant summer morning chatting with a few passing friends and acquaintances also out enjoying a beautiful Saturday morning.
Time moved slowly though.

The traffic was awful getting to the library.  We drove around a few minutes before deciding to give up finding a spot on the street and entered a parking garage.  We only needed to walk a few blocks before entering the front door of the Main Library.   The person at the information desk ask if she could help.  I knew where I was going, but out of courtesy ask if the book sale was again in the basement.

She let out a deep breath and handed me a postcard.  "The book sale is actually next week-end."
I am sure I said something, though I can't remember what, probably something original like "you're kidding me".  She was very nice, and assured me I was not the only one to show up early.  She said she was, in fact,  a little concerned that possibly some incorrect information had been posted.  

Well, upon reflection, I am sure the mistake was mine.  
I haven't ask yet, but I'm suspecting if I go to the sale this weekend 
I will be going solo.  So much for the memory of an elephant.

I'll blame it on summer's sorcery. 

I do hope you are having a good week thus far.


  1. Oh I have done this many times. There are times that I have to write things down or include on my calendar or I will forget or miss important things. Oh we'll, you still made a day out including breakfast, farmers market and the library visit. Will you still go to the sale? Ha!

    1. Oh I had this brain hiccup on my calendar....Oh I am hoping to go to the sale, but as I said I will most probably go alone. My husband is a good sport, but I'm not for sure he will be wanting to try this again.

  2. Very interesting! I found a few themes . . . Butterflies, the piece of blue art glass and the interesting piece at the very beginning. Some sort of solar, windmill look . . . And then there is the market, coffee, anticipation of the book sale . . . and finding out it isn't until next weekend. But most interesting is your husband and his life work in brain retraining . . . as I said . . . that sounds very interesting!

    1. I am a bit ADD it seems:) Sometimes the pictures are just to break up my thoughts. I am hoping one day he will do a guest post on the subject of keeping the brain healthy.

  3. I do things like this more and more of late. The brain if a fascinating organ! Perhaps going alone is how it is meant to be?

    1. Jill, It is comforting to know I am in good company. I haven't mentioned it yet...we will see if I have a partner to browse with or not. Bonnie

  4. I'm a firm believer that my memory isn't what it once was because the file cabinet of information I store there, is so large, it just takes longer to rifle through.

    1. Jennifer, I have often said I have way too much information stored to be able to remember everything. I hope it means we have lived an interesting life. Bonnie

  5. Bonnie, far better to be mistaken and humble about it, than right and proud about it.

  6. It sounds though that you had a lovely time at the farmer's market and now you have more time to happily anticipate finding good books at the library. All good things come to he who waits.

    The fact that others also expected the sale to be that day makes me think that erroneous information was printed somewhere. Bonnie, rest assured, your brain is in good working order.

    1. Arleen, Thank you for your confidence. I have been using the library post card as my bookmark, hopefully I will get everything straight this weekend. Messing up the date does take some of the thrill of the hunt out of it though.

  7. I did that once for an estate sale I was so excited about. I tend to be a bit dyslexic when it comes to numbers/dates/times/dollars.

    1. Julie, dear Londoner, I think I have just stopped paying attention to the details this summer. Bonnie

  8. You have a wonderful man!! Have him stay behind, sip hot coffe and read the paper!! When you come home, it will be so fun to share your adventure with him!!

    I think you have an amazing brain!!

  9. I think you can blame it on the lovely, relaxing summer holiday you're enjoying. The great thing is that you still have the sale to look forward to for another week - at least you didn't miss it!!!! JX

  10. Far better a week too early than a week too late! (I've also done this sort of thing with my long-suffering husband in tow.) Happy hunting next weekend.
    A post on how to keep the brain healthy - I'll sign up for that!

  11. You have the perfect excuse for a second lovely summer morning. I think a do-over is appropriate!

  12. I was going to say the same thing.....another nice saturday morning awaits.

    I'm definately sure the heat has melted a few of my brain cells this summer! What is going on with this heat!

    Be sure to let us know what treasures you find.

  13. Now Bonnie - this sounds like something I would do - maybe if you bake hubby something special he will take you next week-end (LOL) - hope you get there anyway.
