Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Spicy Answer to a Hot Summer's Night

“I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food” 
                                                                                   Erma Bombeck

I love my food magazines.  In fact, I can honestly say I've never met one I didn't like and need.  If I don't have a subscription, and the cover looks appealing it usually lands in my shopping cart at the grocery store or under a stack of books at the bookstore.
I also love my cookbooks, but I read them like novels.  Magazines are more for drooling
over the pictures, creating cravings and planning my next food safari.

The July issue of bon appétit  has been following me around for weeks.   I have been wanting to make the cover recipe, Sriracha Glazed Chicken Skewers since it was delivered through my mail slot.  Doesn't it look scrumptious?

Weekends are my favorite time to try something new.  R. is usually in town, everything is less hurried, fewer errands to run and more time to plan.  This has been a busy month though with traveling here and there, weddings, meetings and dinner out with friends, giving me less time for experimenting in the kitchen.  Until this past weekend.  I kept my eye on the ball dish;  I was determined, and I wasn't disappointed. 

I've read eating spicy food when the temperatures are rising is wonderful way
to cool the body down.  The warmth from the spices cause the body to 
perspire, turning on our built in air conditioning system.  If this is 
truly fact then this flavorful and spicy dish was the perfect answer to
 a hot summer's evening.

A cool tomato and watermelon salad was it's perfect sidekick.

For the beverage, I chose my favorite prosecco.

Sambal Chicken Skewers
bon appétit 

1/2 cup (packed) brown sugar
1/2 cup unseasoned rice vinegar
1/3 cup hot chili paste
1/4 cup fish sauce
1/4 cup Sriracha
2 tablespoons finely grated peeled ginger
1 1/2 lb. skinless, boneless chicken thighs,
cut into 1 1/2 - 2 inch pieces

Soak bamboo skewers for at least an hour.  
The recipe says eight, I used ten.

Prepare grill for medium-high heat.  Whisk brown sugar, vinegar, chili paste, 
fish sauce, Sriracha, and ginger in a large bowl.  Add chicken and toss to coat. 
Thread 4 or 5 chicken pieces onto each skewer.

Transfer marinade to a small saucepan.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 
until reduced to about one cup, 7 to 10 minutes.

Grill chicken, turning and basting often with marinade, until cooked through, 
8 to 10 minutes.


I pretty much followed this recipe to the "t".  There are a few things I might change up
 next time.  I found the thighs difficult to cut into nice consistent size pieces.  The thigh 
is a fatty piece of the chicken which is why they are so moist and flavorful, but hard to
manipulate for this dish.  I may try this with chicken tenders next time.   

The marinade is so delicious, I would suggest splitting the marinade into two batches
after reduction.  You really only need about a half of the cup for during grilling.
Refrigerate the other half for another recipe.  Once the marinade was
 contaminated by the basting brush I was fearful of saving it and ended up
 pouring in out.

I think this would be equally delicious on pork.

Oh look what just arrived!

Now I am all about some ice cream...
or maybe


Grab your whisk and let the exploration begin.
Did you take a food adventure this weekend?

Have fun and
Bon Appetit!


  1. I just got my "ice cream edition of Bon Appetit. I always look forward to this magazine every month. I usually try to make at least one of the dishes, but I can't remember what it was last month. However, I am sure it was good, but maybe not noteworthy. It was probably because of my abilities.

    You dish looks scrumptious. Maybe I can adjust some ingredients to appease my burnt up stomach.

  2. I have the same "addiction"! I even purchased a new cookbook while in New England (and Martha Stewart and Cooking Light). And, my souvenir was an All-Clad saucier pan. I'm not even looking for a F.L.A. group (food lovers anonymous). I shamelessly admit that I have a 1979 Bon Apetit in my magazine collection, not to mention Gourmet for many decades. Ah, glad to get that off my chest!!


    1. Bonnie, I may not have a '79, but I bet I can find one from the 90s. I do purge once in awhile, but tend to keep holidays and special editions. Enjoy you new saucier. Bonnie

  3. I love cookbooks also...I have shelves of them. I like to pretend I'm having a big dinner party and plan out my menu! I also love the food photography - which I never realized there were so many food photography blogs out there. The prettier the picture, the more I want to make it.

    I would have made this in a heartbeat before I switched to a vegan diet. :)

    1. Sarah, I agree it is the picture that wake up the taste buds. They do say, one should feast with the eyes first. I bet you could use the marinade on tofu. Bonnie

  4. That looks delicious! I too love reading recipie books. With a bit of imagination it's almost as good as eating!! Jx

  5. i LOVE food!! no more cookbooks and mags for me. i am hooked on pinterest and it has inspired me to cook more and to enjoy my time in the kitchen more!!

    looks like the perfect, light, summer meal!!

    1. Oh Debbie, You've seen my pinterest boards. I didn't even mention the time I spend looking at recipes on-line.

  6. Bonnie, you have gotten me in the mood to cook! This recipe looks fantastic and I have the magazine. I also adore food magazines and cook books. Settling down with one of them and a cup of coffee or tea always makes me feel good.

  7. Bonnie, I recently read that Hot spices are also fat burners! I hope that is true! I really envy women who love to cook and experiment with recipes because I hate to cook....but love to eat.... especially PIE. Husband is the chef in this family, thank goodness someone here knows his way around the kitchen. The way you are with food mags, I am with garden mags. I rarely read the articles, but i thrive on the images. And food images can be oh so beautiful. Yours turned out nicely and I bet it was delish!

  8. I read cookbooks like novels:) and magazines are so much fun. It's crazy with all the on line stuff now!! We can get recipes everywhere! I like the spicy dinner followed by the cool watermelon. Great idea! Thanks for sharing Bonnie! xxleslie

  9. I can't say I am over the top at perusing food magazines but I love looking at recipes, trying them out . . . and eating the results too! This summer I have tried two new dessert recipes. One with rhubarb, one with raspberries and each delicious!

    Your recipe looks and sounds like one I would enjoy . . .

  10. If you read the House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III, you may remember the former colonel in the Iranian Air Force was working in the hot California sun. On his breaks he drank hot tea while his co-workers drank cold drinks. I've never forgotten those opening paragraphs. It seems to be true hot drinks and spicy food lower, not raise your comfort level in the summer.

  11. I love reading glossy cookbooks and magazines with mouthwatering photos, but right now I am trying to lose a few pounds so I must stay away from them!

  12. I love reading cookbooks and magazines with mouthwatering photos, but right now I am trying to lose a few pounds so I must stay away from them!

  13. Dear Bonnie - cookbooks and cooking magazines are always a weakness for me. I do love to cook but I really enjoy reading the recipes and looking at the pictures more (LOL) - Thanks for sharing your recipe. It is always nice to know that something that looks good tastes good as well. Happy cooking friend - have a wonderful week-end.

  14. I always, always, buy the Thanksgiving issue of Bon Appetit and make something out of it for our big dinner. I really enjoy cooking magazines too. Your recipe looks delicious.

  15. I love cooking magazines too. And I'm seriously tempted by that pie on the cover! Yum! In the meantime, your chicken skewers sound great.

  16. I saw a beautiful recipe in a food magazine today for fish tacos. I bought all the stuff and now I've decided to do something quite different with the same ingredients. I am grateful for the inspiration though, even though it didn't end up like I planned :)
