Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Rains and Garden Dreams

“April is the cruelest month, breeding
lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
memory and desire, stirring
dull roots with spring rain.” 
                                                          T.S. Eliot

  Yesterday was a beautiful sunny 72 degrees. 
 Knowing rain and colder weather was predicted for most of the week, 
we spent less time in the classroom 
and more time on the playground running, screaming and having a grand time.
 My afternoon was spent enjoying an over the fence chat with my neighbor
 while Willie romped and played a game of tag with
his squirrel buddies.

I walked around checking to see what might be peeking up 
out of the ground and 
found that overnight the azaleas have begun to flower.

It really was a perfect day!

Today a cold spring rain has come to visit.   
Oh yes, I am ready to play outside...
to dig, to trim, to plant;
I'll be patient...
 I won't complain.
With April rains most assuredly there
 will be blooms.

And, for now
I will be content with

and garden dreams. 


  1. We have had temperatures in the 80's along with a drought. I have been watering like crazy trying to give my new plants a chance.

    I enjoyed visiting this evening and I am a new follower.

    White Spray Paint

    1. Laura, Welcome. We have been most fortunate to have many days of rain, but the tides can turn at anytime. We are in the south. Bonnie

  2. It snowed yesterday.....please keep showing flowers so I know it really IS spring! :)

  3. Simply gorgeous photos . . .

  4. From one day to another, the weather changes 20 to 30 degrees. So like you, I appreciate the good ones, and hope for some more to come. Things are looking brighter and a hint of color can be seen.

    Have a wonderful time in your garden this week, Bonnie. You are a week or so ahead of us, so your hands will soon be playing in the soil.

    1. Arleen, It looks we will have a week of sunshine. I am hoping to get out a bit tomorrow. Bonnie

  5. Such color! It is still gray, and brown, and white (snow) here. LOVELY photos! :)

  6. One of my favorite T. S. Eliot quotes, Bonnie. We must be about a month ahead of you as we are heavy into planting now before the summer heat has us heading for a shady spot. Today we are getting a good soaking rain. Your pictures inspire spring fever . . . lovely post for dreams.

    1. Lynn, I suspect the summer's heat is not too far in the distance for us as well. It is the reason I will not complain about the cold and the rain. Enjoy planting!

  7. I can't wait for my lilacs to bloom! It's 66 degrees in Seattle today ( very unusual!)

    Your little flowers are so sweet. Enjoy your spring weather!


  8. Your lilacs are so pretty. Mine are still just buds but I am waiting. Hope the sun comes back to you soon!

  9. Beautiful photos and a lovely quote. Thank you!

  10. lilacs have been my favorite since childhood!! such pretty blooms and fancy fungi!!

  11. Oh, T.S. Elliot, on my reading list for the evening!

    Bonnie dearest, your photos are making me HOPEFUL that spring is for REAL! We are out here in Minneapolis with melting snow, inching our way to paradise, but with a chill in the air! Thank you for the perfume of these images and for your visit. Have a super weekend! Anita

  12. Good evening Bonnie!

    I love your photos and your description of the last few days. Our weather has been much the same.

    Those little mushroom/fungi are beautiful!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  13. Lovely photos and I love that poem!

  14. Bonnie, Lilacs make me feel dreamy... and the sunny week ahead makes those "garden dreams" come true. Here's to toil in the soil!
