Thursday, March 7, 2013


At the end of the summer of 2012 I wasn't certain
anything would return to the garden.  
Life has a way of continuing even through the toughest of times.

 When life leaves us heartbroken and wondering what the future holds,

Nature sends us the hope

of a beautiful spring.
I will always believe in the day after tomorrow.


I've been away, and so many of you have emailed me asking about my absence.  Thank you for checking in on me.  I have been visiting and caring for those who are nearest and dearest to my heart.  All will be well....if not today, tomorrow. 


  1. Bonnie . . .
    Beautiful . . .
    I will use your words . . . and hold them close . . .
    "I will always believe in the day after tomorrow . . ."l
    Love, Lynne

  2. Bonnie,
    I've been thinking and wondering about sounds like you need a hug and a prayer, so I'm sending you both. xo

    I'm always here if you need or want to talk. I believe in the day after tomorrow too.

  3. I was so happy to see your post. When life hits us hard, we realize our strength. However, I don't know about you, but I could stand with some lighter punches lately.

    Take care, dear Bonnie, and I hope brighter skies will be in your future.

  4. I've missed you! Hope all will soon be well.


  5. Bonnie, I wish you well with the difficult things you are going through right now, and I agree with you that nature gives us hope for happier times as Spring arrives. Wishing you good thoughts!
    xx Sunday

  6. "All right, said the cob. You've seen how it's done. Follow me, and we'll give it a try. Extend yourselves to the utmost, do everything in the proper order, never forget for a minute that you are swans and therefore excellent fliers, and I'm sure all will be well."~E.B. White

  7. Dear Bonnie - I will be praying for you. Sometimes life stings us with pain but thank goodness God carries us through. Take care and may spring find you soon friend.

  8. beauiful images and thoughts of spring!! i am sure you are right where you are suppose to be!!

  9. Spring always brings hope,it is full of promise. I wish you the best of Spring in your time of trial, whatever that trial may be.

  10. Beautiful pictures - isn't lovely that spring is finally on the way... Jx

  11. Hope all turns out well for your loved ones. Hope springs eternal, they say.
