Sunday, March 4, 2012

Slow Down

"Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last.

Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feeling' groovy

Hello Lamp post,
What cha' knowing?

I've come to watch your flowers growing.
Ain't you got no rhymes for me?

Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' groovy.

Got no deeds to do,
No promises to keep
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.

Let the morning time drop all its petals on me
Life I love you,
All is groovy.
* * * * * * * 
This is the time of the school year when the children come into the classroom wanting to know when we will go to the playground.  The sun is shining, the air is warming and the outside is beckoning us to escape the confines of our four walls.

I am no fool.  I know when to give in and just head outside.  I also know when to push them a little in hopes of learning something new or mastering something they've previously met.

One of my favorite things to do is to hand them a blank piece of white construction paper and ask them to draw a picture.  I will almost always offer up part of a sentence for them to complete with a drawing, i.e. "I know it is Spring....."  

I have only a few instructions.

 Take your time and do your best.

I don't care what it looks like as long as you can tell me what you have drawn.

You must use at least three different colors.

When I see a child rushing through their work, I start singing the above Simon and Garfunkel song.   The children think it is funny, and for a few minutes, I've hushed the call of the playground.

I have very high

for them and for myself.

Spring is on her way full of expectations and possibilities.


  1. Dear Bonnie,
    Wonderful posting! I do hope Spring is on its way, soon! Have a wonderful week ahead...Heidi

  2. We woke up to a landscape in all white. Your post, however, brought a smile to my face!!


  3. This is fantastic! You just made me smile. I love that song and will now be singing it all day and thinking of you are your students!

  4. Lovely photos, Interesting, Inspiring and Lovely looking blog, I look forward to reading more and catching up with past posts.
    Spring WAS on it's way last week here in Oxfordshire, but today, Winter has taken her hold again!
    the days are longer tho, yeah!
    Come back Spring!

  5. Lovely photos, Interesting, Inspiring and Lovely looking blog, I look forward to reading more and catching up with past posts.
    Spring WAS on it's way last week here in Oxfordshire, but today, Winter has taken her hold again!
    the days are longer tho, yeah!
    Come back Spring!

  6. Heidi, I hope you see Spring soon as well. There is just something about watching flowers blooming and plants starting to peek up from the ground that make me believe all is well. Hugs, Bonnie

  7. Bonnie and Jill, I am always happy when I make someone smile. Thanks for telling me. Hugs, Bonnie

  8. Jen, I hope you find yourself enjoying Spring's bounty soon. Thanks for stopping by Hugs, Bonnie

  9. Thanks for the uplifting post! How lucky your students are!

  10. I love this post.

    I know I'm anxiously awaiting spring, I can only imagine how the children must feel.

    My son had a very special 6th grade teacher...everyone dreaded her but Matthew loved her. One day he came home and told me that Mrs. Viola keeps "nagging" at him. After a couple of weeks, I finally called her to see what was going on and she told me that Matthew was upset with her because he was rushing through his work to join his friends outside and she would make him redo his work until she thought he was giving it his best. He still remembers her saying to him that whatever he does, he should always do his best from the very beginning.
    I imagine you're one of those teachers that your students will always remember.

    Happy early spring!

  11. Sarah, You always make my day. Thank you! I hope my children remember me for all the right reasons. I am very lucky to have the chance to do what I do each day. Hugs! Bonnie

  12. We share the same name:) You can remember me and please visit sometime. I'm new at this. A teacher is the most noble profession. My children were greatly influenced and are now adult friends with many of them.

  13. I think you're a wonderful teacher. It seems like you can tell what's going on in the kids' minds, and react accordingly.

    Oh, and thanks for starting my day with a great song!

  14. Beth, Thank you so much for you kind words. I have my days, lol. It is a happy song, isn't it? Hugs, Bonnie

  15. A delightful post, Bonnie. Yes, groovy is good: too much haste and you miss what the world's doing.

  16. Beautiful post. We need more teachers like you in the school system!

    Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog.

  17. this was the perfect marriage of pictures and song!!

    bonnie, you have a wonderful perspective towards teaching!!
