Saturday, February 25, 2012

Garden Dreaming

One weekend in February the local Master Gardner association hosts it's annual Flower and Garden Show.  It is always fun to walk around browsing and collecting inspiration and advice from those who garden for a living.  

This little fellow was the first thing I saw when we walked in the door.  Do you notice the tape and brown paper attached to the bowl?  That is a note marked SOLD along with my name.   While waiting for one of the attendants to find a cart to take him to the car for me,  several people stopped to tell me they had wanted him.  This happy little circus monkey has been relocated to my back patio.  (The plants were not included.)

Here are a few displays that caught my eye and started me dreaming.

I like the idea of the plants planted between the planks on
the hanging table.  I'm not for sure I would be able to keep
it up through the heat of the summer.
Possibly a one time tablescape for an event.

I can see spending an evening sitting here.  
Would like to join me?

When you run out of space on the ground...go up!
I would love to have this hanging succulent garden.

Do you see what drew me to this tabletop garden?

I bet you saw the books immediately.

This may be my favorite color combination this year.

I love these curly branches for interest.

I've been a little obsessed with trains lately.  

I hope you found something to inspire you this weekend.


  1. I am SO JEALOUS!!! That monkey is fantastic. What fun walking around the garden show. everything looks so pretty.

  2. You certainly got the prize with that monkey!

    Was fun to see all of the beautiful colors and ideas galore!

  3. Love your monkey - can't wait to see what you do with him!

    Saw a good vertical design idea - and one that I might actually be able to accomplish - in Florida a couple of years ago. Here's the link to a post about it. See the last two photos, if you are interested.

  4. Love the monkey, and I'm glad you got him before anyone else did. I look forward to seeing pictures of him in your garden this spring.

  5. This is such a perfect time of year for a flower and garden show. We're all dreaming of the spring! The colors in your photos are so vivid.

  6. I love your monkey he is so cute - well done getting him before anyone else.
    Sounds like your visit gave you lots of inspiration. Good luck!!

  7. What a lovely garden show. I love the monkey but also the tabletop display with the book set within the picket fence. So charming. Can't wait for Spring!

  8. OMG what a wonderful garden show. Would have like to be there. Congrats on purchasing the monkey planter. Have a great week...Heidi

  9. I love garden shows with their interesting ideas. The train seems appealing - but then I am rather a fan of model railways. Vertical gardens can also be made into pictures....

    And I love to sit by a pool on a hot evening, and listen to the water...

  10. Webb, I'm so excited about that monkey. I'm looking through gardening books and planning. Thanks for the link. I will be checking it out. Bonnie

  11. Beth, Thanks! There were a lot of bright colors at the show. I am really liking the purples and chartreuse for the summer. Bonnie

  12. Sunday, Thank you so much for visiting. Books are one of my favorite possessions....a tablescape which includes both flowers and books...perfect! Again thanks, Bonnie

  13. Heidi, I look forward to the garden show each year. There is always so much inspiration. Bonnie

  14. Jenny, I am trying to figure out where I might hand a vertical garden. I am thinking it would be a great divider between garden beds. Good to hear from you! Bonnie

  15. That was certainly a lovely and elaborte garden show. I'm inspired from just looking at the pictures! Enjoy that monkey!

  16. I love garden shows and go every year. Ours, CANADA BLOOMS, is coming up next month; can`t wait!


  17. I love what you bought! It is something that I would also love to put in my gardens.

    It is so nice to go to these garden shows at the end of winter. It kick starts spring and all the plans and hopes for a good planting season.

    Next week is the very large Philadelphia Flower show. Its theme is Hawaii and should be beautiful. I am looking forward to attending this one.

  18. Marsha, Thanks, I am looking forward to planting the bowl atop the monkey. He does make me so happy! Garden shows always get my juices running. Bonnie

  19. Arleen, I have been thinking about you. I hope you enjoy the garden show and will post about it. I love to see how creative gardeners can be. Bonnie
