Thursday, February 23, 2012

74 Degrees and Rising

Yesterday the mercury reached 74 ℉.  Today it is suppose to rise into
the 80s.  There is a strong wind, but it hasn't put a damper on my day.

I had to take a bit of a wellness walk.
The Forsythia buds are beginning to open.

The Quince is now in full bloom
and entertaining visitors.

The Meyer Lemon is even giving me reason to smile.
It is loaded with little lemons.
We will need to wait and see.

Tomorrow the high is suppose to be in the 50s,
with near freezing temps overnight.
I guess I haven't seen the last of evening fires.

I will be pulling out all the sheets and tablecloths
to cover the tender vegetation.

What a roller coaster ride we are on this winter.


  1. We are waiting for our first "major" snowfall of the season. I won't complain (too much) because we really need the moisture. Nothing is budding here but, with the mild temperatures, we should be seeing some color soon.


  2. We are also expecting out first major snow storm so it is really delightful to come here to see your beautiful spring! LOVE your fire place!

  3. We're expecting a blizzard tomorrow, Bonnie.


  4. Bonnie, If the ground is warm maybe the snow won't hang around too long. Hugs! Bonnie

  5. I am so looking forward to seeing some color outside my windows! The never ending sea of brown is starting to get to me. It's a world of difference when I go to work at the flower shop.

    Enjoy! I like the term "wellness walk." :)

  6. We've had a similar week with snow last Sunday and 71 today. Fortunately the flora are still waiting a bit. Mother Nature must have a calendar hidden away somewhere, but I fear that if the warm holds on too long, stuff will start blooming too early.

    Hard to complain, tho, about this lovely warm winter!

  7. We are also having spring temperatures, and it should reach 67 tomorrow. However, the winds are expected to be 50mph and that always worries me.

    Your flowers are so lovely. We have to wait till mid-March for any color and your gardens make me anxious for planting season.

  8. We are expecting a little snow tonight, just a dusting though. Your flowering plants are lovely.

  9. ooohhhh bonnie, i sure do hope you see and enjoy more fires!!

    the blooms are so soft and pretty and i LOVE the new header photo!!

  10. I was just noticing the cherry blossoms and tulip trees are starting to bloom here too. And this morning we had flurries. I'm worried that our spring won't be as beautiful as usual.

    Does your lemon tree stay outside all year?

  11. It has been a very strange winter. No snow, and I don't think we hit the teens even once! I had expected to have burned up all of our wood in the woodstove this winter so the house will show better without those stacks in the yard when we put it up for sale, but oh well.

  12. Jennifer, Thank you so much for visiting.

  13. Cris, Thank you for visiting. We dipped into the teens very early, maybe for one or two nights. Otherwise, it has been very mild here. Thanks, Bonnie
