It is just that time in the school year when every teacher, no matter what level, becomes a little crazy. Everything is winding down. There is no more putting it off till "later"; later is no longer a date on the calendar. While we smile at parents and talk sweetly to the children, we can and sometimes do become a little snippy with our families and one another. I am fortunate, the teachers I work with are family. And like family, the barbs can hurt, but they are usually quickly forgiven.
Yesterday our children sang and performed for parents and grandparents in our end of the year program. As always it was spectacular. With that milestone behind us it is now what we call "book time".
We gather all the pictures of the children and all the artwork we have saved and we put it together so that each child has his own memory book. We each tackle this task differently. The really with it teachers work on their books throughout the year. Some stay at school late and work on them. Some have someone else put their books together. Many of us work on them at home. Each teacher's books are as individual as the way we work on them.
I am placing myself in seclusion for the next few days to finish my books. Everything is organized. Pictures and artwork are separated. I will go through around eight bottles of rubber cement, at least as many rolls of double sided tape and a half dozen glue sticks. I will use scads (yes that is an acceptable form of measurement, at least in my vocabulary) construction paper. I will take breaks to run to have a photograph copied and go to the craft store to pick up some little doo-dad needed to finish off a page.
I'll be repeating my mantra
"bird by bird" a lot in the next few days.
I can't leave without updating you on my landscaping. It is at the stage when you pray they know what they are doing. Here is a little of what has been happening.
newly extended bed and border |
path from driveway to door through the garden |
this will be the creek bed |
See what I mean? I am keeping my fingers crossed. While that chaos unfolds outside, I will be sequestered amid my own chaos.
It seems I only show you this room while in the throws of creating. Seriously, I do straighten up between projects, but there are no good stories to tell about a nicely straightened work spaces. Have a great weekend!
Wish me luck, I'm going in...have a great weekend!
p.s . Sorry I don't have the time to edit! Love ya!